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PO4-3 is not a molecule it is an ion which contains one phosphorus and four oxygen atoms.

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3mo ago

There are a total of 19 atoms in one molecule of (NH4)3PO4. This includes 5 nitrogen atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms, and 2 phosphorus atoms.

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9y ago

The molecule of (NH4)3PO4 contain 20 atoms.

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11y ago

4 oxygen atoms are there

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Q: How many atoms are in ones molecule of (NH4)3PO4?
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How many atoms are in a molecule of hydrogen?

There are two hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen molecule. It is a diatomic molecule, meaning that there is two atoms in one molecule. Many gases are diatomic. In the Periodic Table there are 11 elements that are gases at Room Temperature: Hydrogen, Helium, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Chlorine, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon. Of these gases, the ones that are diatomic are: Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine and Chlorine. One liquid and two solids are also diatomic, the liquid: Bromine, the solids: Iodine and Astatine.

What would be regarded as an organic molecule H20 NaC1 NaOH CH4?

CH4 (methane) is the only organic molecule among the ones listed. Organic molecules are compounds that contain carbon and are typically found in living organisms. H2O, NaCl, and NaOH are inorganic compounds.

What is the carbon backbone?

The carbon backbone refers to the chain of carbon atoms that form the core structure of organic molecules. It is the main framework upon which other atoms or functional groups are attached, giving rise to a wide variety of organic compounds with diverse properties and functions. The carbon backbone can vary in length, shape, and branching, contributing to the complexity and diversity of organic molecules.

What is a formed or broken apart during a chemical reaction?

Chemical bonds are formed or broken apart during a chemical reaction. Bonds between atoms are either created or destroyed, resulting in the formation of new compounds or the breakdown of existing ones.

What is oxygen plus oxygen?

Except for He, Ne, A, Kr, Xe and Rn, the gaseous elements (such as hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine and nitrogen) usually combine two atoms into a molecule under standard conditions. Read your chemistry book to learn what conditions are considered the standard ones and why. Two atoms of oxygen thus form one one molecule of oxygen, also called dioxygen. With a bit of persuasion (for instance by zapping a bolt of lightning through the air) three atoms of oxygen can join into ozone. Ozone is an allotropic form of oxygen. Mixing oxygen gas with more oxygen gas under standard temperature and pressure does not create anything different. All you have is more oxygen. Read your chemistry book to learn more about monatomic gases, allotropes and oxygen. For more knowledge, investigate which elements are liquid at or near standard conditions, and whether they are monatomic. Similarly, investigate whether all the halogens are normally diatomic.

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What bond holds together a molecule of water?

Water has covalent bonds.The bonds between atoms in a water molecule are covalent bond, somewhat polar ones.

How many atoms are in a molecule of hydrogen?

There are two hydrogen atoms in a hydrogen molecule. It is a diatomic molecule, meaning that there is two atoms in one molecule. Many gases are diatomic. In the Periodic Table there are 11 elements that are gases at Room Temperature: Hydrogen, Helium, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Chlorine, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon. Of these gases, the ones that are diatomic are: Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine and Chlorine. One liquid and two solids are also diatomic, the liquid: Bromine, the solids: Iodine and Astatine.

Is silver a diatomic molecule?

No, silver is not a diatomic molecule. It is a pure element made up of individual silver atoms (Ag). Diatomic molecules are formed by two atoms of the same element bonded together.

How many different kinds of atoms are in oxygen gas?

No different ones, just Oxygen atoms.

Do all atoms always come in pairs to form a molecule?

Not all atoms come in pairs to form a molecule. Some molecules can be composed of a single atom, such as noble gases like helium or neon. These atoms do not need to pair up with another atom to be stable.

What types of bonds hold together a water molecule?

Water has covalent bonds.The bonds between atoms in a water molecule are covalent bond, somewhat polar ones.

When atoms of different elements join together by chemical bonds they form a?

2 or more atoms joined together form a suspension, solution, mixture, or compound. I don't know what kind of joining together you are talking about so it could be any of the ones i had just mentioned.

What is the bond If atom X forms a diatomic molecule with itself?

The bond formed when atom X forms a diatomic molecule with itself is a covalent bond. In a diatomic molecule, two atoms of the same element share a pair of electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This sharing of electrons creates a strong bond between the two atoms.

What is a carbon based molecule?

A carbon-based molecule is a molecule that contains carbon atoms bonded to other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur. Carbon is a key element in organic compounds, providing the structural backbone for many complex molecules essential for life. Examples include sugars, fats, proteins, and DNA.

What are the elements that form diatomic molecules?

There are seven diatomic molecules: H2, O2, N2, F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2. For anyone who does not know what a diatomic molecule is, in science, "di" means "two", and "atomic" obviously means "atoms". So a diatomic molecule is a molecule with two atoms of the same element. These seven diatomic molecules are the only ones that when combined, do not react. These are known as stable compounds. Hope this helps.

How are atoms different then elements?

YES!!!!!!! Atoms are the ones that make up the elements!!!!!!!

How are elements different atoms?

YES!!!!!!! Atoms are the ones that make up the elements!!!!!!!