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Fault rupture about 14km long alone the southern edge of the city.

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The fault that caused the 1906 San Francisco earthquake has an estimated length of about 296 miles (477 km). Scientists determined this information by studying the surface rupture, seismic waves, and geologic features left behind by the earthquake, combined with geological mapping and trenching techniques along the fault trace.

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What do scientists call an area along fault where no earthquake activity has occured for a long time?

Scientists call an area along a fault where no earthquake activity has occurred for a long time a seismic gap. This area is considered to be at high risk for future earthquakes because of the built-up strain that has not been released through seismic activity. Monitoring these seismic gaps can help in forecasting potential earthquakes and assessing seismic hazards.

Why do scientists save long tubes of ice?

Scientists save long tubes of ice, known as ice cores, because they contain information about past climate conditions, such as temperature, atmospheric composition, and precipitation. By analyzing the layers in ice cores, scientists can reconstruct past environmental changes and understand how the Earth's climate has evolved over time.

How long is the 125th street fault line?

The 125th street fault line in New York City, also known as the 125th Street Fault, is estimated to be around 55 miles long. It runs through parts of Manhattan and the Bronx, and is considered a significant seismic risk for the region.

The san andreas fault is an example of what kind of fault?

The San Andreas Fault is a strike-slip fault where the motion is mainly horizontal, with the two sides moving past each other horizontally. It is a transform boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.

What do scientists use to find a date on fossiles?

Scientists use radiometric dating methods to determine the age of fossils. This technique relies on the decay of radioactive isotopes within the fossil to estimate its age. By measuring the ratio of parent and daughter isotopes in a fossil sample, researchers can calculate how long ago the organism lived.

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When did this particular fault last move and how can scientists tell that fault has not moved for many thousands of years?

Fault rupture is 14km long along the southern edge of the city

When did this particular fault last move and how can scientists tell that fault has not been moved for many thousands of year?

Fault rupture is 14km long along the southern edge of the city

What is the name of the fault that threatens San Francisco with earthquakes?

I think you're talking about the San Andreas fault? If you look at the related links section below, you can see a picture of how long the fault is and where San Francisco is located in relation to it and find further information about the San Andreas fault.

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i think its every day

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Scientists call an area along a fault where no earthquake activity has occurred for a long time a seismic gap. This area is considered to be at high risk for future earthquakes because of the built-up strain that has not been released through seismic activity. Monitoring these seismic gaps can help in forecasting potential earthquakes and assessing seismic hazards.

How long is the Elysian park fault?

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One can find more information about Sean Long on Wikipedia where there is a detailed biography of his life and career. One can also find information including his player profile on the Wigan Warriors official website.

When in an auto accident and the police are called and the party that was at fault and does not have his insurance information with him how long does he have to get this information to the officer.?

Laws differ from state to state. In this case you should contact the police to find out about the law regarding proof of insurance, but if insurance information wasn't available at the time of the collision, you may as turn the collision in to your insurance, since the other driver probably isn't insured.

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As long as you have your information up to date in that state you shouldn't have any problems

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Where online can a person go to find more information on Long's Peak?

There are lots of places where someone can go and find information about Long's Peak. Some of these places include; alanarnette, Wikipedia, americaswonderlands, and yelp.