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2w ago

Indiscriminate burning of grass and leaves removes vegetation cover that helps protect the soil from erosion. It can lead to the weakening of the soil structure, making it more susceptible to erosion by water or wind. Kaingin, or slash-and-burn agriculture, also contributes to soil erosion by further depleting the protective vegetation cover and exposing the soil to erosive forces.

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Q: How indiscriminate burning grass and leaves of trees or plants and kaingin cause soil erosion?
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Does falling leaves cause erosion?

Falling leaves themselves do not cause erosion. However, leaves can contribute to the build-up of sediment which can lead to erosion if not managed properly. Leaves can block drainage channels or form dams that divert water flow, increasing the chances of erosion during heavy rain events.

What is An isolated remnant of wave erosion called?

An isolated remnant of wave erosion is called a sea stack. This geological formation is created when the continuous erosion of a headland or sea cliff leaves behind a free-standing pillar of rock. Sea stacks can be found along coastlines around the world.

A geologist finds deep gouges and scratches on bedrock in an area once covered by a glacier These scratches are evidence of the type of erosion called?

These scratches are evidence of glacial erosion, specifically caused by the movement of rocks embedded in the ice as the glacier advances and retreats. This type of erosion, known as abrasion, leaves distinct marks on the bedrock in the form of gouges and scratches.

How does weathering erosion and deposition effect the black prairies?

Weathering breaks down rocks into smaller particles, erosion transports these particles away from the area, and deposition leaves them in new locations. These processes can create differences in soil types, landforms, and vegetation patterns in the black prairies.

How can building homes on steep slopes speed up the erosion process?

Building homes on steep slopes can speed up the erosion process because it disrupts the natural flow of water, leading to increased runoff and soil erosion. The removal of vegetation for construction also exposes the soil to erosion by wind and water. Additionally, the weight of the homes can destabilize the slope, leading to landslides and further erosion.

Related questions

How does indiscriminate burning of grass and leaves of trees or plants cause soil erosion?

All growing plants and trees help to anchor the soil around their roots. If the grass is burnt and the leaves and trees burn and die then wind and water can more easily move the soil. This is soil erosion.

When was Leaves for Burning created?

Leaves for Burning was created in 1952.

Why burning of leaves injurious to health?

Burning of leaves can lead to inhalation of smoke (particularly if those leaves are tobacco).

Are Burning bush leaves compound?

No. Burning Bush leaves are simple! -Anonymous Smiley :)

Does falling leaves cause erosion?

Falling leaves themselves do not cause erosion. However, leaves can contribute to the build-up of sediment which can lead to erosion if not managed properly. Leaves can block drainage channels or form dams that divert water flow, increasing the chances of erosion during heavy rain events.

Is burning of leaves physical change or chemical change?

Burning leaves would be a chemical change because once the leaves are burnt, you can't turn the ashes back into leaves.

What type of wind erosion leaves pebbles and boulders behind?

Saltation erosion leaves pebbles and boulders behind. This type of erosion occurs when the wind picks up sediment particles and hurls them against larger rocks, causing abrasion and erosion.

What form of energy does the burning of leaves possess?

The burning of leaves releases thermal energy in the form of heat and light energy in the form of flames.

What Erosion wears a volcanic cone away it leaves behind a?


What are the gases produced while you burn leaves?

When burning leaves, the gases produced include carbon dioxide, water vapor, carbon monoxide, and small amounts of particulate matter. It is important to note that burning leaves can also release harmful pollutants and toxins into the air.

Why should you bury dry leaves in pit instead of burning it?

Burying dry leaves in a pit helps to decompose them naturally, returning nutrients to the soil and enriching it. Burning leaves releases carbon dioxide, contributing to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Burying leaves also helps improve soil structure and water retention.

How do plants contribute to erosion?

they absord the minerals and nutrients from the soil, which leaves it weak- i think