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Scientists use a variety of methods, such as studying fossils, sedimentary rock layers, and geochemical analysis, to understand what life looked like long ago. Fossil fuels were formed from the remains of ancient organisms, like plants and microorganisms, that lived millions of years ago. Over time, the organic matter was buried and subjected to heat and pressure, transforming it into fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas.

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Q: How have scientists come to understand what life looked like long ago and how does this explain where fossil fuels came from?
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What kind of scientists worked with geologist to develop the geologist to develop the geologic time scale?

Paleontologists, stratigraphers, and geochronologists worked with geologists to develop the geologic time scale. Paleontologists studied fossil evidence, stratigraphers looked at the layers of rock formations, and geochronologists used radiometric dating techniques to determine the age of rocks and fossils.

How will data from space probes help us understand the earth's environment?

Data from space probes can provide a global perspective of Earth's environment by monitoring key indicators such as air quality, deforestation, and sea levels. This data can help scientists track environmental changes over time and understand how human activities are impacting the planet. Additionally, space probes can also provide valuable information on weather patterns, natural disasters, and climate change.

By Knowing the average speed of a plate what can scientists estimate about Earth's continents?

By knowing the average speed at which tectonic plates move, scientists can estimate the rate at which Earth's continents drift apart or come together. This information helps in understanding processes such as plate tectonics, continental drift, and the formation of features such as mountain ranges and ocean basins.

Did any ancient civilizations develop myths about tornadoes in order to explain how or why they occur?

Yes, some ancient civilizations developed myths to explain tornadoes. For example, in Greek mythology, tornadoes were believed to be caused by the god Aeolus, who controlled the winds. In Native American cultures, tornadoes were sometimes seen as the result of a battle between powerful spirits or gods.

What are the four evidences alferd wegener looked at to createhis theory?

Alfred Wegener used four main lines of evidence to support his theory of continental drift: the geometric fit of the continents, matching geological formations across continents, matching fossil distributions across continents, and evidence of past climates from glacial deposits. These pieces of evidence suggested to Wegener that the continents were once joined together in a supercontinent called Pangaea and had since drifted apart.

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What have scientists learned about past life on earth from the fossil record?

Scientists have learned about the diversity of life forms that have existed on Earth, including the evolution of different species over time. Fossils provide insights into extinct species and their adaptations to changing environments, as well as clues about ancient habitats and ecosystems. By studying the fossil record, scientists can better understand the history of life on Earth and how it has been shaped by various environmental factors.

Did oviraptor steal eggs?

Oviraptors did, but scientists found a fossil of one sitting on a clutch of eggs which looked like the eggs from Protoceratops . They were actually Oviraptor eggs. The scientists thought that Oviraptor died when it found the eggs

What can a paleontoloist tell from fossil footprints of a dinosaur?

Scientists can learn many things. They can learn how large a dinosaur was, what it looked like, what it ate, and how it moved, to name a few things.

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What did fossil fule animals look like?

They looked like fish and birds.

How did scientists learn about the sun?

when they looked at it they went blind so they learned that people went blind when they looked at the sun

Why have fossils been useful to scientists?

Fossils show scientists how the animals and plants of the past looked and gives them an idea of how they might have interacted.

How do scientists get info about dinosaures?

Scientists get information about dinosaurs from fossils and they are able to trace DNA and find out how dinosaurs looked, ate, hunted and lived.

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Where was the first fossil in Alberta found?

It was found near the Badlands in Drumheller.

How can a fossil provide a snapshot of a moment in time?

A fossil bed can show all of the local creatures in their living positions and provide paleontologists with an idea of what an ancient ecosystem looked like.