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it hasnt effected it at all. save the polar bears!!

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2mo ago

Glacial melting in Canada has led to rising sea levels along the coast, posing a threat to low-lying communities. It has also impacted freshwater availability, altering ecosystems and water resources. The melting glaciers can contribute to natural hazards like landslides and floods in some regions.

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Q: How has glacial melting affected some areas in Canada?
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Where is glacial lakes?

Glacial lakes are typically found in regions that have been shaped by glaciers, such as mountainous areas or polar regions. These lakes are formed by the melting of glaciers and can be seen in countries like Iceland, Canada, Alaska, and parts of Europe.

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Glacial PlainA l outwash plain is a stratified deposit of sand and gravel transported by water from a melting glacial ice sheet.

What is the last remains of a glacier?

The last remains of a glacier are usually small patches of ice and snow known as glacier remnants. These remnants can be found in shaded areas with cooler temperatures, where the glacier's final bit of ice persists despite overall melting and retreat.

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There should be plenty of foliated metamorphic rocks in Pennsylvania, due to the erosion of the Appalachian Mountains. Another source for foliated metamorphic rocks in Pennsylvania would be from glacial drift dropped from previous glacial episodes which were torn and transported from areas in Canada.

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Glacial erratics are mostly located in areas that were covered by glaciers during the last Ice Age, such as northern latitudes and high mountain regions. They can be found in places like Canada, Scandinavia, and parts of the United States where glaciers deposited large rocks as they receded.

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A glacial horn is the most extreme type of pyramidal peak. A glacial horn is often known as a horn, which is a mountaintop that has been modified by the action of ice in glaciation and frost weathering. Glacial horns are formed by glacial erosion in mountainous areas.

How do changes impact organisms living around glacial landscapes?

Changes in glacial landscapes, such as melting glaciers or shifting ice patterns, can have significant impacts on organisms living in these areas. These changes can alter habitats, disrupt food sources, and impact migration patterns for species that rely on glacial environments. Some organisms may adapt to the changes, while others may face challenges in coping with the shifting conditions.

How glacial erosion contributes to the formation of large lakes?

Glacial erosion occurs when glaciers move through an area, gouging into the land beneath. In areas where the soil is relatively soft, glaciers can gouge out areas that eventually turn into lakes.

Where in the world is acid rain most effective?

Parts of Sweden are seriously affected, so are areas of Canada and the United States, Germany, Poland etc.

What areas are being affected by hurricane sandy?

From the island of Jamaica in the western Caribbean Sea, Cuba, the Bahamas, the eastern seaboard states of the United States, and eastern Canada have all been affected by Hurricane Sandy.