The three factors that affect weathering are mechanical weathering (physical breakdown of rocks), chemical weathering (chemical changes in rocks), and biological weathering (weathering caused by living organisms).
Examples of landforms formed from weathering and erosion include canyons, valleys, cliffs, and mesas. Weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces, while erosion transports those materials to create these diverse landforms over time.
Temperature, humidity, and the presence of vegetation all affect the rates of weathering in rocks. However, the distance from the equator is not a direct factor that affects weathering rates in rocks.
Factors that affect the rate of mechanical weathering include temperature fluctuations, presence of water, wind intensity, type of rock or mineral composition, and presence of vegetation or organisms that can contribute to physical breakdown of rocks.
Weathering can affect the Dartmoor landscape by breaking down rocks and boulders through processes like freeze-thaw weathering and chemical weathering. This can lead to the formation of tors, piles of rock debris, and spheroidal weathering features, all of which contribute to the unique look of the Dartmoor landscape. Over time, weathering can shape the landforms and influence the overall scenery of Dartmoor.
Mesas are formed by weathering and erosion of horizontally layered rocks that have been uplifted by tectonic activity.
The three factors that affect weathering are mechanical weathering (physical breakdown of rocks), chemical weathering (chemical changes in rocks), and biological weathering (weathering caused by living organisms).
The rocks will into pieces.
How does slope affect the rate of weathering
Some factors that affect the rate of weathering are the type of rock, the altitude and the climate.
No, because the weathering makes it hotter
Examples of landforms formed from weathering and erosion include canyons, valleys, cliffs, and mesas. Weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces, while erosion transports those materials to create these diverse landforms over time.
well in my believe you can think something else but weathering does NOT affect minerals!! :P
I dont know :d !!
I dont know :d !!
Mesas are a feature of southwestern landscapes and other arid regions. We do not have true mesas in the Massachusetts landscape. You can read more about mesas at the link below.
There are a few different weathering conditions that might affect copper. Rain and snow are some conditions that would affect copper.