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Weathering can cause physical and chemical deterioration of building materials over time. For example, exposure to rain, wind, and temperature changes can lead to cracks, erosion, and discoloration. Chemical reactions from pollutants in the air can also weaken or corrode building materials.

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Q: How does weathering affect buildings?
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How does weathering affect buildings and other structures?

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How does weathering affect buildings and monuments and other structures?

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What are the 3 factors that affect weathering?

The three factors that affect weathering are mechanical weathering (physical breakdown of rocks), chemical weathering (chemical changes in rocks), and biological weathering (weathering caused by living organisms).

How does physical weathering affect weathering?

The rocks will into pieces.

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What are the disadvantages of weathering?

The disadvantage of weathering is the deterioration of a surface.

What factors affect the rate weathering?

Some factors that affect the rate of weathering are the type of rock, the altitude and the climate.

Does the surface area affect weathering?

No, because the weathering makes it hotter

How does weathering affect mineral composition of rocks?

well in my believe you can think something else but weathering does NOT affect minerals!! :P

How mechanical weathering can affect the rate of chemical weathering?

I dont know :d !!

How can mechanical weathering affect the rate of chemical weathering?

I dont know :d !!

How is weathering harmful to us?

Weathering can lead to the deterioration of structures and buildings, thereby impacting infrastructure and safety. In addition, weathering can release harmful substances and particles into the environment, contributing to air and water pollution that can affect human health. Lastly, weathering can also disrupt ecosystems and agriculture, impacting food production and natural resources that we rely on.