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The density of water decreases as it freezes and transitions from liquid to solid. This is because the molecules arrange themselves in a more spread-out, less dense pattern as ice compared to when they are in liquid form.

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Q: How does the density of water change when it moves from liquid to solid?
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How does the density of a liquid compare with the density of a solid?

The density of a liquid is typically lower than that of a solid. Liquids have particles that are more spread out and less tightly packed compared to the particles in a solid, resulting in a lower density for the liquid.

How does the density change from solid to liquid to gas?

The density generally decreases as a substance transitions from solid to liquid to gas. In the solid state, particles are tightly packed resulting in higher density. When the substance melts into a liquid, the particles become less ordered and the density decreases. As the liquid is further heated to form a gas, the particles are further apart, leading to the lowest density.

Can liquid change its shape?

because the atoms in the liquid moves faster than a solid and has more freedom.

Is a solid and a liquid density?

no because solid is hard not a liquid

Is density a physical change or chemical?

A change in density may accompany a Physical change. When liquid water becomes solid water, the solid water FLOATS; (is less dense) on top of its liquid form.Density itself is a physical property, not a change.

How can you change the density of solid rock?

Melting the rock to its liquid form then re-freezing it into a solid will realign the rock's crystaline structure thereby altering the density.

How does the density of a body and that of a liquid determine that whether the body will float or sink into that liquid?

If the density of the solid body is greater than the density of the liquid the bodywill sink. If the density of the liquid is greater than the density of the solid thebody will float.If the solid and the liquid have the same density, the solid body can be any whereinside the liquid and may move following currents if they exist in the liquid.Read more:How_does_the_density_of_a_body_and_that_of_a_liquid_determine_that_whether_the_body_will_float_or_sink_into_that_liquid

What happens if density of a solid substance is more than liquid?

If the density of a solid substance is more than that of a liquid, the solid substance will sink in the liquid. This is because objects with higher density will displace a volume of liquid that has a lower density, causing the solid to sink to the bottom.

What happens if density of a solid substance is more than liquid it is placed?

If the density of a solid substance is greater than that of the liquid it is placed in, the solid substance will sink to the bottom of the liquid. This occurs because objects with higher density will displace an equal volume of the lower density liquid, causing the solid to sink.

In a solid liquid mixture of this substance will the solid float or sink?

Whether the solid will float or sink in a solid-liquid mixture depends on the relative densities of the solid and the liquid. If the density of the solid is greater than that of the liquid, then the solid will sink. If the density of the solid is less than that of the liquid, then the solid will float.

If you place a solid in a liquid it will either sink or?

float, depending on its density relative to the density of the liquid. If the solid is denser than the liquid, it will sink. If the solid is less dense than the liquid, it will float.