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The density of alkaline earth metals is generally higher than that of alkali metals. This is because alkali metals have only one valence electron and are larger in size compared to alkaline earth metals, which have two valence electrons and are smaller in size. The higher density of alkaline earth metals is due to their more compact atomic structure.

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Q: How does the density of the alkaline earth metal compare with alkali metal?
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No. The alkali and alkaline earth metals are very reactive.

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No, alkali metals are not the only earth metals. Earth metals include both alkali metals and alkaline earth metals. Alkaline earth metals are a group of elements in the periodic table that are chemically similar to, but less reactive than, alkali metals. Examples of alkaline earth metals include magnesium, calcium, and barium.

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Are alkali metal and alkaline earht metals similar?

Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals are both groups of elements found in the periodic table. They have similar characteristics in that they are both highly reactive, low-density metals with low melting points. However, alkali metals are located in group 1 of the periodic table, while alkaline earth metals are located in group 2, and they have different chemical properties and reactivities.

What is the difference between alkali metals and alkali earth metals?

Alkali metals are from Group 1 of the Periodic table and have a single electron in their outer shell. Alkaline-Earth metals are in group 2 of the periodic table and have 2 electrons in their outer shell.

How does the reactivity of an alkaline earth metal compare with that of alkali metal in the same period?

Alkaline earth metals are less reactive than alkali metals in the same period because they have higher ionization energies and are less likely to lose electrons. Alkali metals readily lose their outermost electron to form a +1 charge, whereas alkaline earth metals require more energy to lose their outermost two electrons to form a +2 charge.

Is alkali metal a calcium?

No, it is an alkaline-earth metal.

How do transition metals compare to the reactivity of the alkalia or alkaline earth metals and why?

Transition metals generally have less reactivity than alkali or alkaline earth metals. This is because transition metals have more filled electron shells which provide greater stability, making it harder for them to lose or gain electrons compared to alkali or alkaline earth metals. Transition metals typically form compounds by sharing electrons or by forming complex ions, unlike alkali or alkaline earth metals that readily form simple ionic compounds by losing electrons.