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The soil-based view of the phosphorus cycle focuses on the local movement of phosphorus within ecosystems, emphasizing soil interactions and plant uptake. In contrast, the global view considers the larger scale movement of phosphorus through various pools like oceans and sediments, highlighting the long-distance transport and impact on the overall biogeochemical cycle. Both perspectives are important for understanding the complete phosphorus cycle in different contexts.

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Q: How does soil based view of the phosphorus cycle comparecontrast with the global view of the phosphorus cycle?
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What is the only biogeochemical cycle which does not pass through the atmosphere?

The phosphorus cycle is the only biogeochemical cycle that does not pass through the atmosphere. Phosphorus remains mainly in rock and sediment deposits, where it can be released through weathering processes and taken up by plants. It is then transferred through the food chain and eventually returns to the soil and water bodies.

How does phosphorus cycle work in the arctic tundra?

In the arctic tundra, the phosphorus cycle begins with weathering of rocks releasing phosphorus into the soil. Plants absorb phosphorus from the soil, and then herbivores consume these plants. When organisms die and decompose, phosphorus is returned to the soil for reuse. Cold temperatures can slow down the phosphorus cycle in the arctic tundra.

What cycle is guano an important part of?

Guano is an important part of the phosphorus cycle. It contributes to the cycling of phosphorus from the environment to living organisms and back again.

What man made refined chemicals have the greatest impact on the phosphorus cycle?

Phosphorus in fertilizers, such as phosphates and phosphoric acid used in agriculture, has the greatest impact on the phosphorus cycle. These chemicals are applied to soil and can lead to excess phosphorus runoff, causing eutrophication in water bodies and disrupting the natural balance of the phosphorus cycle.

Why is the phosphorus cycle slower than the nitrogen cycle?

The phosphorus cycle is slower than the nitrogen cycle because phosphorus is released into the environment primarily through the weathering of rocks, which is a slow process. In contrast, nitrogen is converted into usable forms by bacteria through nitrogen fixation at a faster rate, leading to a quicker turnover in the nitrogen cycle.

Related questions

What scale does the phosphorus cycle function on?

The phosphorus cycle operates on a global scale, involving the movement of phosphorus through various geological, biological, and chemical processes. It primarily cycles between the Earth's crust, water bodies, and living organisms.

What man made or man refined chemicals have the greatest impact phosphorus cycle?

Chemical fertilizers, such as phosphorus-based fertilizers, have the greatest impact on the phosphorus cycle. When these fertilizers are used in excess or improperly managed, they can lead to phosphorus runoff into water bodies, causing eutrophication and disrupting the natural phosphorus cycle.

Is phosphorus cycle known by any other names?

Yes, the phosphorus cycle is also referred to as the phosphorus biogeochemical cycle.

What is different about the phosphorus cycle as compared to the water carbon and nitrogen cycle?

The atmosphere is not involved in the phosphorus cycle.

What is different about the phosphorus cycle as compared to the water-carbon nitrogen cycle?

The atmosphere is not involved in the phosphorus cycle.

What is the different about the phosphorus cycle as compared to the water carbon and nitrogen cycle?

The atmosphere is not involved in the phosphorus cycle.

The cycle that is the slowest because there is no gas phase is the what cycle?

The slowest cycle without a gas phase is the phosphorus cycle. This cycle involves the movement of phosphorus through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, with no gaseous phase involved.

How do humans disrupt the phosphorus cycle?

Humans disrupt the phosphorus cycle mainly through excessive use of phosphorus-based fertilizers in agriculture, leading to nutrient runoff into water bodies. This can cause eutrophication, where excessive phosphorus levels stimulate algal growth and lead to oxygen depletion in aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, deforestation and mining activities can release large amounts of phosphorus into the environment.

What is the only biogeochemical cycle which does not pass through the atmosphere?

The phosphorus cycle is the only biogeochemical cycle that does not pass through the atmosphere. Phosphorus remains mainly in rock and sediment deposits, where it can be released through weathering processes and taken up by plants. It is then transferred through the food chain and eventually returns to the soil and water bodies.

Which describes a way in which phosphorus may enter into the phosphorus cycle?

Phosphorus may enter the phosphorus cycle through weathering of rocks and minerals, which releases phosphorus into the soil and water. Additionally, human activities like agriculture and fertilizer use can contribute to phosphorus entering the cycle through runoff and leaching.

What is different about the phosphorus cycle compared to the water carbon and nitrogen cycles?

The atmosphere is not involved in the phosphorus cycle.

What is different about the phosphorus cycle as compared to the water carbon nitrogen cycles?

The atmosphere is not involved in the phosphorus cycle.