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Gravity pulls down the water, if there was no gravity the water would be floating in the air.

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2mo ago

Gravity plays a role in erosion and deposition by influencing the movement of water in streams. Gravity causes water to flow downhill, enabling it to pick up and carry sediment and other materials. This flowing water can erode the streambed and banks, transporting the material downstream. When the water slows down, due to a decrease in gradient or obstacles in the stream, sediment is deposited, forming features like sandbars or river deltas.

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Q: How does gravity relate to a steams ability to erode and deposit materials?
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How does gravity relate to a stream and ability to erode and deposit materials?


How does gravity relate to a steam's ability to erode and deposit materials?

Gravity pulls down the water, if there was no gravity the water would be floating in the air.

How does gravity relate to a streams to erode and deposit materials?


How does gravity relate to a streams ability to erode and deposit materials?


How does gravity relate to a stream's ability to erode and deposit materials?

Gravity influences a stream's ability to erode materials by pulling them downstream. The force of gravity helps water to carry sediment and erode the streambed. Additionally, gravity plays a role in the deposition of materials by causing sediment to settle out of the water when the stream's velocity decreases.

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Gravity plays a role in the erosion and deposition of materials in dreams by influencing the movement and distribution of those materials. In dreams, gravity can affect how particles are carried away by winds or water, leading to erosion, and how they settle down to form new sedimentary layers, resulting in deposition. Gravity ultimately helps shape the dynamic landscapes and environments encountered in dreams.

How does gravity relate to a streams ability to erode and deposit material?


How does gravity relate to a streams ability to erode and deposit?


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