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Geological evidence has shown that the movement of tectonic plates, which make up the Earth's crust, is responsible for the continents moving apart. This movement is driven by the process of seafloor spreading, where new oceanic crust is formed along mid-ocean ridges, pushing the continents farther apart over time. This evidence is supported by studies of magnetic anomalies in seafloor rocks and the distribution of fossils and rock formations across different continents.

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Q: How does geological evidence move the continents apart?
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What convinced scientists that the the continents were slowly moving?

Scientists were convinced that continents were slowly moving due to evidence such as fit of the continents' coastlines, matching geological features across continents, and the discovery of mid-ocean ridges and seafloor spreading. This evidence supported the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how continents move over time.

What evidence do we have for continental drift?

Evidence for continental drift includes the matching shapes of coastlines across different continents, similarities in rock formations and geological features between continents, and the distribution of fossils of the same species on different continents that were once connected. Additionally, the alignment of mountain ranges and earthquake patterns also support the theory of continental drift.

Pieces of evidence does NOT support the continental drift theory?

the continents fit together like a puzzle

How sea-floor spreading provides a way for continents to move Explain?

Sea-floor spreading is the process where new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges, pushing the existing crust apart. As the crust spreads, it carries the continents on tectonic plates with it, causing the continents to move. This movement is called plate tectonics, and it is responsible for the shifting of continents over geological time scales.

What theory that continents move apart form each other?

The theory that explains how continents move apart from each other is called plate tectonics. This theory states that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into several large plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere underneath, causing the plates to interact and move over time. As the plates move, they can separate from each other, leading to the drifting of continents apart.

Related questions

What made Alfred wegener think the continents move?

Alfred Wegener proposed the theory of continental drift in the early 20th century because he observed similar plant and animal fossils on continents that are now far apart, as well as matching geological formations and evidence of ancient climates that suggest the continents were once joined together and have since drifted apart.

How were the fossils symbols and mountains belts helpful in deciding where to move the continents?

Fossils found on different continents suggested that they were once connected due to similar species being found far apart. Mountain belts on different continents lined up when the continents were pieced together, indicating a shared geological history. These pieces of evidence helped in understanding continental drift and the movement of continents over time.

How were mountain belts helpful in deciding where to move the continents?

You can not DECIDE where to move continents, the movement of continents is a natural geological process, nothing man does can affect it.

What information did Wegner need to strengthen his argument?

Wegner needed evidence of a mechanism by which continents could move, data supporting the idea of past and present continental positions, geological similarities between continents, and paleoclimatic evidence to strengthen his argument for continental drift.

What convinced scientists that the the continents were slowly moving?

Scientists were convinced that continents were slowly moving due to evidence such as fit of the continents' coastlines, matching geological features across continents, and the discovery of mid-ocean ridges and seafloor spreading. This evidence supported the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how continents move over time.

How have continents moved in the past?

Continents have moved in the past due to plate tectonics. This process involves the movement of the Earth's lithosphere plates on the fluid-like asthenosphere beneath them. Over millions of years, continents have drifted apart, collided, and shifted position on the Earth's surface, leading to the formation of mountain ranges, ocean basins, and other geological features.

How were the fossil symbols helpful in deciding where to move the continents?

Fossil symbols were helpful in deciding where to move the continents because they provided evidence of past connections between landmasses. Similar fossils found on continents that are now far apart suggest that they were once joined together. By using fossil evidence, scientists could determine the past positions of continents and reconstruct ancient supercontinents like Pangaea.

What evidence do we have for continental drift?

Evidence for continental drift includes the matching shapes of coastlines across different continents, similarities in rock formations and geological features between continents, and the distribution of fossils of the same species on different continents that were once connected. Additionally, the alignment of mountain ranges and earthquake patterns also support the theory of continental drift.

Pieces of evidence does NOT support the continental drift theory?

the continents fit together like a puzzle

How sea-floor spreading provides a way for continents to move Explain?

Sea-floor spreading is the process where new oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges, pushing the existing crust apart. As the crust spreads, it carries the continents on tectonic plates with it, causing the continents to move. This movement is called plate tectonics, and it is responsible for the shifting of continents over geological time scales.

How can magma cause the plates that carry the continents to move apart?

magma is very hot so as it boils it moves the plates of the earth causing the continents to slowly move apart

How far apart will the continents drift apart in 200 million years?

Continental drift is influenced by tectonic plate movement. Over 200 million years, the continents may continue to drift apart as tectonic plates move at a rate of a few centimeters per year.Exact distances are difficult to predict due to uncertainties in plate movement and geological processes.