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Warm air rises through convection.

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3mo ago

Earth bounces back heat into the atmosphere through a process called "radiative transfer," where heat energy from the Earth's surface is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and then re-emitted in all directions. This process helps maintain the Earth's temperature and energy balance.

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Q: How does earth bounce back heat into the atmosphere?
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In which type of rays is heat radiation back into the atmosphere by the earth?

infrared rays

How does the atmosphere trap heat on earth?

The Earth's atmosphere traps heat through a process called the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, allow sunlight to pass through and warm the Earth's surface. When this heat radiates back towards space, the greenhouse gases trap some of it, preventing it from escaping and leading to an overall warming of the planet.

How does heat enter the atmosphere?

Heat enters the Earth's atmosphere primarily through the absorption of sunlight by the Earth's surface, which warms up and then radiates heat back into the atmosphere. Other sources of heat entering the atmosphere include human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which release heat-trapping greenhouse gases.

Which term best describes how the earth's atmosphere is heated?


How does the earth and it's atmosphere get heated?

The Earth's atmosphere gets heated mainly through the process of solar radiation. Energy from the sun is absorbed by the Earth's surface, which then radiates heat energy back into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere also trap some of this heat, leading to the warming of the planet.

Most of the energy that heats earth's atmosphere is?

Most of the energy that heats Earth's atmosphere comes from the sun. Solar radiation warms the Earth's surface, which then radiates heat back into the atmosphere, creating temperature variations and weather patterns.

What best explains how the greenhouse gases heat the earth?

Greenhouse gases absorb heat rising from the surface of the earth. These warmed gases radiate heat in all directions, including back onto the earth, heating the atmosphere. So the heat is not lost to space, but instead builds up in the atmosphere where it heats the earth as well. they trap the heat from the sun that is reflected by the earth

What do greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb?

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb and trap heat energy from the sun. They prevent some of this heat from escaping back into space, contributing to the Earth's warming and the greenhouse effect.

What is it called when heat rises back into the erath's atmosphere?

The process of heat rising back into the Earth's atmosphere is called thermal radiation. This occurs when the Earth's surface absorbs sunlight and emits infrared radiation, which then gets trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to a warming effect known as the greenhouse effect.

How does heat absorbed by earth's surface transfer back into the atmosphere?

Heat absorbed by Earth's surface is transferred back into the atmosphere through a process called infrared radiation. The surface of the Earth re-emits the absorbed heat as long-wave radiation, which escapes into the atmosphere. This outgoing radiation warms the air molecules it comes into contact with, contributing to the overall heat balance of our planet.

What reflects heat back into space and traps heat near Earth?

Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor trap heat near Earth by absorbing and re-radiating infrared radiation. This process leads to the greenhouse effect, where heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere. Clouds and ice also reflect sunlight back into space, helping to regulate the Earth's temperature.

Is the earths atmosphere heated by solar energy?

Yes, the Earth's atmosphere is heated by solar energy. Sunlight penetrates the atmosphere and warms the surface of the Earth. This heat is then radiated back into the atmosphere, contributing to its overall temperature.