

How does a moraine form?

Updated: 6/13/2024
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9y ago

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A moraine forms by sediment ridges. 👍 or 👎

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3w ago

A moraine forms when a glacier carries and deposits rocks, soil, and other debris as it moves. These materials accumulate at the glacier's edges or are left behind when the glacier retreats, creating a ridge or mound called a moraine.

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How does moraine form?

A moraine forms by sediment ridges. 👍 or 👎

How is a moraine different from an ordinary hill?

A moraine is a landform made up of glacial deposits, such as rocks, gravel, and sand, that were pushed by a glacier to form a ridge or hill. Unlike an ordinary hill, a moraine is specifically associated with glacial activity and can reveal information about past glacier movement and deposition.

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A terminal moraine is a glacial feature that results from deposition. Terminal moraines are long, low ridges of debris that mark the furthest advance of a glacier.

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Small mound formed by the deposit of rocks from a melting glacier?

A moraine is a small mound of rocks and sediment that is left behind by a melting glacier. It is created as the glacier moves and picks up debris along its path, depositing it in piles when it retreats.

What are ridges that form on the sides of glacial valleys as a glacier melts?

These ridges are called lateral moraines. They are formed by the debris and sediment that accumulates along the edges of the glacier as it moves downhill. When the glacier melts, it deposits this material, creating distinct ridges along the sides of the valley.

What glacial features results from deposition?

Moraines, drumlins, eskers, and outwash plains are glacial features that result from deposition. Moraines are ridges of till deposited along the edges of a glacier, drumlins are elongated hills of glacial till, eskers are long, winding ridges of sand and gravel, and outwash plains are flat areas of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater streams flowing away from the glacier.

What are the various types of moraines?

Lateral moraine, Medial moraine and Terminal moraine.

How can terminal and lateral moraines form glacial lakes?

Terminal and lateral moraines are made up of rock debris and sediment that were pushed to the sides or front of a glacier as it moved. When a glacier retreats, these moraines can act as natural dams, blocking the flow of water and creating a glacial lake behind them. Melting ice can also contribute to the formation of glacial lakes by adding more water to the depression left by the glacier.

What is a winding ridge left by melting glacier?

You may be referring to an "esker," a snake-like deposit of sediment left by a stream of running water underneath a glacier. At the edge of a glacier, a "moraine" also can form. A moraine is a pile of sediment and debris pushed by the glacier that forms alongside the glacier - a lateral moraine - or at the end of a glacier's run - a terminal moraine.