A cone vibrates by oscillating back and forth in response to external forces or stimuli. The motion of the cone creates changes in air pressure, which produces sound waves that we can hear. The frequency and amplitude of the vibrations determine the pitch and volume of the sound produced.
vibrate or oscillate. This vibration is then transferred through the medium, causing particles in the medium to also vibrate. This transfer of energy produces the mechanical wave.
A secondary cone in a volcano refers to a smaller cone that forms on the flank of the main volcano. This secondary cone is created by the eruption of lava and other volcanic materials from a separate vent. It is a distinct feature from the central vent of the main volcano.
The white cone on the track forecast cone typically represents the average forecast error of the National Hurricane Center over a five-year period. It indicates the potential range of movement for the center of a tropical cyclone and helps convey the uncertainty in the forecast track.
A sheild cone is volcano that is sorta flat and gently sloping up.
The permanent magnets in a stereo speaker are used to create a magnetic field that interacts with the electrical current flowing through the voice coil attached to the speaker cone. This interaction causes the voice coil to move back and forth, pushing and pulling the cone to produce sound waves. The permanent magnet near the cone provides a stationary magnetic field, while the magnet on the cone moves with it to drive the sound production.
When a coil becomes a magnet, the magnetic field it produces interacts with the magnetic field of the cone. This interaction can cause the cone to vibrate or move, creating sound waves and producing sound in a speaker system.
a speaker uses a voice coil a coil copper wire and a magnet and pole to vibrate a cone
There is a magnet in the both the microphone and speaker. They change differences in air-pressure (in the microphone) to electrical pulses, and in the speaker, they cause the cone to vibrate - creating sound.
The sentence for vibrate is "The phone began to vibrate on the table."
It has to vibrate.
vibrate is somthink
No. The only Apple products that vibrate are the iPhones
No, they vibrate more.
Well, it can vibrate very fast.
Cars vibrate.
Someone is ringing you, you have your phone on vibrate.
A cone bearer is a cone that bears