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When I first saw you, I was certain that the tectonic plates had just shifted.

The Earth's lithosphere is made up of seven or eight major, and many minor tectonic plates.

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2w ago

Tectonic plates are large slabs of the Earth's lithosphere that move and interact with each other, causing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountains.

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How do you use the word tectonic plates in a sentence?

Example sentence - The tectonic plates are always moving.

How do you use the word plate in a sentence?

Example sentence - The tectonic plates are always moving.

How do you use plates in a sentence?

Volcanoes often occur where tectonic plates meet.

How do to use tectonic plates in a sentence?

Tectonic plates are large slabs of rock that make up the Earth's outer shell. An example sentence could be: The movement of tectonic plates is responsible for earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountain ranges.

What is a sentence for tranforms boundary?

The earthquake tranforms boundary between the two tectonic plates.

Can your give me a sentence using the words tectonic plates?

Tectonic plates interact with each other through movements such as subduction and divergence, shaping the Earth's surface over millions of years.

How would you use plates in a sentence?

Example sentence - We put the dinner plates in the dishwasher to clean them.

What are the large thin plates that move relative to one another on the outer surface of earth called?

They are called tectonic or lithospheric plates.

Earthquakes occur mainly allong the edges of?

Tectonic plates and fault lines created by the movement of tectonic plates.

What can tectonic plates also be called instead of tectonic plates?

Tectonic plates are also "Continental Crust" and "Oceanic Crust". Also lithospheric plates.

Can tectonic plates known as crustle plates?

Yes, tectonic plates are also known as crustal plates.

How do you put rift valley in a sentence?

The Rift Valley is a large depression in the Earth's surface, typically caused by the tectonic plates pulling apart.