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3mo ago

Day and night occur because the Earth rotates on its axis. As the Earth rotates, different parts of the planet are either facing towards the Sun (day) or away from the Sun (night). This rotation causes the cycle of day and night.

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Q: How do you get day and night because of the earth turning?
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How does day and night occour?

The earth turning around on its axis, gives us day and night.

What is the word of the question what causes day and night on earth?

the rise and fall of the sun or the turning of the earth.

Do you have day and night and the four seasons because of the movement of the Earth as it spins in space?

Yes, the rotation of the Earth on its axis causes day and night, with half the planet facing the Sun experiencing daylight. The tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the Sun creates the four seasons by varying the amount of direct sunlight different regions receive throughout the year.

Which of these words means the turning of the earth that causes day and night?

Rotation. Rotation is the process by which the Earth spins on its axis, causing day and night as different parts of the planet are exposed to the Sun.

Do you have day and night because the earth orbits the sun?

Day and night happen Because the earth rotates the side facing the sun is day that the side that doesn't is night that's why we have time zones and when it's day on one side of the earth it's night on the opposite side

What is the turning of earth called?

The turning of Earth is called rotation. Earth rotates on its axis, which takes approximately 24 hours to complete one full rotation. This rotation is what causes day and night.

Do star patterns change from night to day?

No. Because when the Earth is rotating that is how we get night and day. But the stars don't change from night and day.

What causes a day?

When the Earth spins around on its axis, it creates night and day on Earth. This movement makes it look like the Sun is moving across the sky. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, turning day into night. Most places on Earth have some amount of day and night every 24 hours. On Earth, the length of day and night usually changes with the seasons.When your location on Earth is facing toward the sun, it is day. When your location is facing away from the sun, it is night.

What does earth turning on itsaxis causes?

It creates our periods of night and day as the Sun's light travels across the Earth's surface.

Why the Day and the Night are equal in March 21?

Because the Earth's axis is perpendicular to the Earth's orbit on that day.

Why does day an night come continuously?

Day and night occur because of the earth's rotation on it's axis. When one side of the earth is facing towards the sun, it is day. When it is facing away from the sun, it is night. Earth is always spinning so the cycle of day and night continues.

Why is day and night?

because we need night to sleep and we have the moon which gives us nightthere is day and night because as the earth is orbitting round the sun ,is also spinning and moon is also orbitting round the earth.there is day and night because as the earth is orbitting round the sun ,is also spinning and moon is also orbitting round the earth.