at first it will sink but if you let it sit there for o day or so it will began to float to the top ---- ----
To make a rock float, you would need to decrease its density to be less than that of water so that it can float. This can be achieved by creating a hollow space inside the rock or by attaching a buoyant material to it. Alternatively, you can try utilizing the principles of surface tension by carefully placing the rock on the surface of water in a way that minimizes the breaking of surface tension.
Pumice is a type of rock that can float on water. This is because pumice is porous and lightweight, which allows it to have a lower density than water, causing it to float.
Pumice is a light and porous volcanic rock that is filled with air pockets, causing it to float on water.
The earth's tectonic plates are said to "float" on layers of magma, which is molten, or very hot liquid rock deep under the surface of theearth.
Continental rock is less dense than mantle rock.
Rocks can float in liquid mercury, as the density of mercury is higher than that of most rocks.
Not unless specifically desiged to do so. Normal vehicle will sink like a rock? Old vw beetles float for a while
Pumice is the only rock that will float. It is a volcanic rock.
You can determine if a rock can float by comparing its density to the density of water. If the rock is denser than water, it will sink. If the rock is less dense than water, it will float. This can be tested by placing the rock in a container filled with water and observing its behavior.
Pumice is able to float.
Virtually all types of rock will sink in water. The only rock that can float on water is pumice.
a rock
Because saltwater has a higher density. It's like if you were to try to float a rock in water and then in wet concrete, it will stay afloat on the concrete because it is more dense.
No, obsidian rock does not float as it is a dense and heavy igneous rock formed from cooled lava. Its high density causes it to sink in water.
Many asbestos-containing products will float, many will not. Raw asbestos rock will not float.
Pumice is a type of rock that can float on water. This is because pumice is porous and lightweight, which allows it to have a lower density than water, causing it to float.
Pumice is a rock that will often float. It has so many air bubbles in the rock that it is buoyant, especially in salt water.