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Water will fill small cracks in rocks, overnight this will freeze into ice which is larger that water so forces the crack in the rock to split further.

This will repeat over a long time until the rock is cracked so much that is splinters into small fragments of rock which are washed away by rain.

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3mo ago

Water can freeze in cracks in rocks, causing the water to expand as it turns into ice. This expansion puts pressure on the rock and can eventually cause it to break. This process, known as freeze-thaw action, is a common form of mechanical weathering caused by water and ice.

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Does ice cause weathering?

Yes, mechanical weathering.

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What type of weathering can ice wedging cause?

The type of weathering that causes Ice Wedging is Mechanical/ Physical Weathering.

Do gravity and ice cause mechanical weathering?

Yes, gravity can cause mechanical weathering through processes like mass wasting, where gravity causes rocks and debris to move downhill. Ice can also cause mechanical weathering through frost wedging, where repeated freezing and thawing of water in cracks and crevices causes rocks to break apart.

How does ice wedging relate to mechanical weathering?

Ice wedging is a type of mechanical weathering.

What are the three agents for physical mechanical weathering?

The three agents for physical mechanical weathering are ice (frost action), wind (abrasion), and water (running water).

What cause mechanical weathering?

Mechanical weathering breaks rock into pieces by freezing and thawing,release of pressure, growth of plants, action of animals, and abrasion

They contribute to mechanical and chemical weathering?

Weathering refers to the disintegration and decomposition of rocks. Pressure, temperature, acid rain, water, ice and wind all contribute to mechanical and chemical weathering.

What are the two important causes of mechanical weathering?

Temperature changes make rocks expand and contract and it is one of the important cause of mechanical weathering. Water abrasion is the other important cause. Wind and moving water cause rocks to rub against each other and the rocks could well break into smaller pieces.

What is mechanical (physical) weathering?

Mechanical or physical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks and soils through direct contact with atmospheric conditions, such as heat, water, ice and pressure.

How do you use mechanical weathering in a sentence?

Mechanical weathering occurs when rocks are broken down into smaller pieces by physical processes such as ice wedging or root growth.