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Lightning is caused by electric charges releasing energy. When the denser (positive charges) go to the top of the cloud, the less dense (negative charges) go to the bottom. This creates an electric imbalance of charges. In the ground, the negative charges are pushed away because the positive charges are attracted to the negative charges at the bottom of the cloud. If an object is in the way the lightning does what it has to to get to the ground, so it will get there faster. When the lightning is discharged you only glimpse it for a second until it disappears. It can travel 75 m/sec, so even though it creates light it is a release of energy so it doesn't travel at the speed of light.

By Brian Hang
lightning is not necessarily formed but is just a large build up of static electricity between a point on the ground and the storm cloud. Its when these plus and minus charges come together to form a lightning strike.
Lightning is basically static electricity between the cloud and the ground. The cloud has too much of one charge (normally negative), while the ground has too much of the opposite charge (normally positive). The lightning bolt is the name of the electrical discharge between the two objects. It can also be between cloud-tree, cloud-car, or even (ouch!) cloud-human.
Electricity in the air.

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10y ago
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12y ago

Lightning forms from the build up of electrons or negative charges in clouds that are attracted to positive charges in other clouds or on the ground. Lightning is the discharge of energy from the cloud to the ground and back.

Once there is enough charge built up between the cloud and the ground a stepped leader (with a negative charge) will start toward the ground. The stepped leader is a dim 50-yard long "streak" of lightning starting from the cloud. The stepped leader will continue toward the ground in steps of 50 yards. Each stepped leader takes about 50 millionths of a second to start branching off into one or more additional stepped leaders. As the stepped leader(s) nears the ground, the positively charges on earth, and objects on earth, start to be attracted to the stepped leader. (For a human, if you have your hair standing on end, you are being attracted to the stepped leader of a lightning strike.) Once the stepped leader reaches one of the positively-charged streams from the ground, the positive charges flow in what we all now know as lightning, a bright stream in the sky that has several branches. The positive charges going up to the cloud are actually where we see the bright lightning -- this is also known as the "return stroke." When the return stroke reaches the cloud, there may be still more negative charges left, and the lightning will continue to arc, with negative charges being taken to the ground and return strokes taking positive charges to the cloud. A single lightning bolt may consist of a number of separate strokes, all occurring within less than a second.

(see related question)

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4mo ago

A lightning bolt forms when there is a buildup of electrical charge in the atmosphere due to the separation of positive and negative charges in a storm cloud. When the difference in charge becomes great enough, a conductive path is created between the cloud and the ground, resulting in a discharge of electricity in the form of a lightning bolt.

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10y ago

Lightning bolt forms when there is an imbalance between positive and negative charges. When these electronic charges meet in the clouds, they form lightning bolt.

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15y ago

they form when 3 or four different wind types combust together and they mix amd mix until they cant mix no more they blow open and lightning comes out by the force of the mixture

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12y ago

There a positive charge on the ground and at the top of a cloud. There's a negitive charge at the bottom. That forms lightning.

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13y ago

Cloud negative and positive entergy

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12y ago

thors hammer

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Q: How does a lightning bolt form?
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What phase does a bolt of lightning exist in?

A bolt of lightning primarily exists in the plasma phase. This is a high-energy state where electrons are separated from atoms, creating a conducting medium that allows electricity to flow through the air.

How many protons and electrons and neutrons does a bolt of lightning have?

A bolt of lightning does not have a fixed number of protons, electrons, or neutrons, as it is a discharge of electricity through the air rather than a physical object. Lightning is a flow of electrical energy between the negatively charged base of a thundercloud and positively charged objects on the ground.

How many names are there for the form of lightning?

There are several names for different forms of lightning, including forked lightning, sheet lightning, ball lightning, and ribbon lightning. Each type of lightning is characterized by its appearance and behavior during a thunderstorm.

Which element has allotrope produced by lightning?

Nitrogen has an allotrope called nitric oxide (NO) that is produced when lightning strikes, as the high temperatures and pressures created during a lightning strike can cause nitrogen and oxygen in the air to react and form this compound.

Does lightning help in nitrogen fixation?

Yes, lightning can help in nitrogen fixation by splitting nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere, which then combines with oxygen to form nitrogen oxides. These nitrogen oxides are washed out of the atmosphere by rain, allowing them to be used by plants as a nutrient.

Related questions

Who is the lightning bolt in the olympics?

"Lightning Bolt" is the nickname for Usain Bolt

What is the past tense of lightning?

Lightning can be used as a noun (bolt of lightning) or an adjective (lightning fast). It is not a verb, so it does not have a past tense form.

Can a lightning bolt provide electricity?

Yes, a lightning bolt can provide electricity because a lightning bolt is electricity.

What is the Latin word for lightning bolt?

Fulmen is the Latin word for lightning bolt.

What is the adjective form of lightning?

The noun lightning itself (electrical discharge) is used as a noun adjunct, rather than an adjective, in such terms as lightning bolt or lightning rod. Only when the intent is to show great speed or quickness (lightning speed, lightning reflexes) is lightning an adjective.

What has the lightning bolt got to do with the Olympics?

---- ====== ====== what has the lightning bolt got to do with the olympics?

When was Lightning Bolt - band - created?

Lightning Bolt - band - was created in 1994.

Who stole zuez's lightning bolt?

The bolt was stolen by Luke, who was being manipulated by Kronos.Luke Castellan stole Zeus's lightning bolt in the Lightning Thief.

Which planet's ancient symbol is a lightning bolt?

The planet associated with the ancient symbol of a lightning bolt is Jupiter. In Roman mythology, Jupiter was the god of thunder and lightning, making the lightning bolt a fitting symbol for this planet.

What basic form of energy is present in a lightning bolt?

The basic form of energy present in a lightning bolt is electrical energy. It is generated from the build-up and discharge of electrical charges in the atmosphere during thunderstorms.

Which famous Rock band had lightning logo?

You're most likely thinking of AC/DC (the dash is usually in the form of a lightning bolt)

What did Percy retrieve in Lightning Thief?

Percy retrieved the lightning bolt that had been stolen from Zeus.