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The urban area on the map could pose a threat to the Everglades through pollution runoff, habitat destruction, and water diversion. Increased urbanization can lead to increased pollution, loss of wetlands and native habitats, and alteration of water flow patterns, all of which can negatively impact the delicate ecosystem of the Everglades.

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Q: How could the urban area on the map pose a threat on the everglades?
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From the following choices select the factors you should consider to understand the threat in your environment.?

From the following choices, select the factors you should consider to understand the threat in your environment.

What is Exurban migration?

Exurban migration refers to the movement of people from urban areas to rural or suburban areas located beyond the outskirts of major cities. This type of migration is driven by factors such as seeking a quieter lifestyle, lower cost of living, or better access to nature while still maintaining some proximity to urban amenities. Exurban migration can lead to changes in the demographics and development of these areas.

What is a dangerous impact of the environment in the urban area and solutions?

One dangerous impact of the environment in urban areas is air pollution, which can lead to respiratory problems and other health issues. Solutions include promoting public transportation, reducing emissions from vehicles, and increasing green spaces to improve air quality.

Why digging or large number of tube wells restricted in urban area?

Digging a large number of tube wells in urban areas can lead to groundwater depletion, land subsidence, and contamination of aquifers due to increased urban activities. It can also affect the stability of buildings and infrastructure in urban areas. Therefore, restrictions are imposed to ensure sustainable water management and prevent negative impacts on the environment and infrastructure.

How has the local area changed over time?

The local area has evolved with changes in infrastructure, population, and urban development. New businesses have emerged, transportation networks have expanded, and population demographics have shifted over time. These changes contribute to the dynamic nature of the local area.

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How much area has the everglades lost in recent years?

Approximately 50 percent of the original Everglades has been lost to agriculture and urban development (about 2 million acres, or more than half the Everglades wetlands). .Most of the rest is now protected in a national park, national wildlife refuge, and water conservation areas. Today the area of the Everglades National Park consists of about 2.3 million acres.

The Everglades is a swamp area in the state of?

the everglades is located in Florida bay

How many people must an urban area contain?

You do not need a number of people for an urban area. The rough definition for a rural area is somewhere where nature is not greatly affected by human beings, such as a large forest area. Urban is the complete opposite, meaning somewhere in, say, a city. There could be 1 person in a city or there could be 1000's. Both would mean its an urban area.

What two huge marshy area covers Florida?

One would be the Everglades

What is the Everglades morning glory?

It is a small purple/pink flower that is native to the Everglades. I have seen it in the sawgrass marsh area but it may not be confined to this area.

What is a low marshy area of tall grasses and swamps in souther Florida?

The Everglades

What is the name for the wetland area in Florida?

The wetland area in Florida is known as the Everglades. It is a unique and iconic ecosystem that is home to a variety of plant and animal species, including alligators and manatees.

What is going on with the everglades because people have been saying that it is losing area?

Major cities, like Miami, are expanding into the everglades, therefor decreasing the size of the original everglades

What major city has been spreading into area that once part of the everglades?

Miami is the major city that has been dpresding into the area that once was part of the Everglades

How big In square kilometer are the everglades?

The Everglades National Park covers an area of about 6,100 square kilometers in south Florida, making it the largest tropical wilderness of any kind in the United States.

How much area has the Everglades National Park lost?

The Everglades have lost approximately 50 percent of it's size in the recent years.