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Geothermal heat energy from inside the earth is caused by the radioactive decay of Uranium in the mantle.

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3w ago

Geothermal energy is found in the Earth because of the heat trapped beneath the Earth's surface, generated from radioactive decay of minerals and from the Earth's formation process. This heat is harnessed to produce electricity through geothermal power plants.

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Q: How come geothermal is found in the Earth?
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Related questions

Does geothermal energy come from the sun?

No, geothermal energy comes from the heat stored beneath the Earth's surface in the form of molten rock, magma, and radioactive decay. This heat is continuously produced from the natural decay of radioactive isotopes and is not directly related to the sun's energy.

Where does the geothermal heat come from?

from steam produced by earth

Where does the heat for geothermal energy come from'?

The molten core of planet Earth is the source of heat for geothermal energy. from underground from steam directly from the earth

Where does the heat for geothermal energy come?

The heat for geothermal energy comes from the Earth's core, where radioactive decay of elements releases a significant amount of heat. This thermal energy travels upward towards the Earth's surface through the mantle and crust, heating underground water reservoirs and creating geothermal reservoirs that can be tapped for energy production.

What in Canada is alternative biomass and earth and geothermal found?

It is found all over Canada.

What layer of the earth does geothermal energy come from?

Geothermal energy comes from the Earth's mantle, which is located between the crust and the core. Heat from the Earth's interior is transferred to the surface through volcanic activity and geothermal reservoirs, which can be tapped for energy production.

Where does geothemal come from?

Geothermal energy comes from heat stored beneath the Earth's surface in the form of hot water and steam. This heat is produced by the natural radioactive decay of minerals deep within the Earth. Geothermal sources are typically found in areas where this heat can more easily reach the surface, such as near tectonic plate boundaries.

Where can geothermal energy be found in the world?

Geothermal energy can be found in regions along tectonic plate boundaries, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, Iceland, the East African Rift, and parts of the Western United States. These areas have high temperatures below the Earth's surface, allowing for the extraction of geothermal energy through wells and geothermal power plants.

What are the differences between geothermal and hydroelectric?

Geothermal comes from the energy of the earth, hydroelectric come from the energy of flowing water. Imagine a natural occurring hot springs. This is an example of geothermal. An example for hydroelectric is a water mill.

How is geothermal produced?

Geothermal energy is derived from the intense heat that is found underneath the Earth's crust. This heat is used to boil water which turns to steam and turns a turbine.

Where does the heat from geothermal energy come from?

from steam produced by earth

Is geothermal from the sun?

Geothermal energy is not directly from the sun. It comes from the heat within the Earth's core due to radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium. This heat is continuously produced and used for geothermal energy generation.