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you create a volt by conecting all to wires

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7mo ago

A volt is a unit of measurement for electric potential difference. It is typically created by using a chemical reaction in a battery or through electromagnetic induction from a power source. By manipulating the flow of electrons between two points, a voltage difference, or potential, can be established to create a volt.

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How do you create 12vdc without a car battery?

By connecting two 6 volt auto batteries in series. Or by connecting eight 1.5 volt batteries in series.

What is the action replay code for any Pokemon to learn volt tackle and if there is what is it?

there isn't you can create it using a trainer toolkit bought on "".

Volts are measured in?

A volt is a volt is a volt.

Measure in volts?

A volt is a volt is a volt.

Is it practical to connect batteries of different emfs in series?

You can connect batteries with different voltages in series (a 6 volt and a 12 volt would give you 18 volts), but never in parallel (difference of potential will create an arc, batteries could blow up).

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12 volt

Who was volt?

Not "Volt" - but "Volta". The unit "volt" was named Alessandro Volta.

How do you wire 220 volt from 2 110 volt lines. you have a concessions stand that is wired for 220 but everywhere you have been lately just keeps giving you 2 - 110 volt line?

To create a 220 volt connection using two 110 volt lines, you need to connect them in series. Ensure the two 110 volt lines are out of phase (provide opposite polarity) and then connect them together. This will result in a 220 volt supply for your concessions stand. It's important to consult a professional electrician to ensure proper wiring and safety.

How would a proton volt compare with an electron volt?

There is no such thing as a proton volt.

Is a 1985 Honda S 6 volt or 12 volt?

12 volt

Can you wire two 6 volt batteries together maintaining 6 volts but wire a separate plug off the batteries in such a way as to have a single isolated 12 volt plug?

Yes, you can wire two 6 volt batteries in series to create a 12 volt output. To achieve this, connect the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of the other battery. Then, you can tap into the connection point between the two batteries to create a separate 12 volt output plug while still maintaining 6 volts across each individual battery.

What are the 5 voltages produced by an ATX or BTX power supply?

+12 volt , -12 volt, + 5 volt, - 5 volt, and + 3.3 volt.