Scientists divide the areas of the earth into biomes, which are large geographical regions characterized by similar climate, vegetation, and animal life. Within each biome, scientists can further divide areas into smaller ecosystems based on specific characteristics such as soil type, altitude, or humidity. This helps scientists study living things in different environments and understand the connections between organisms and their habitats.
An environmental scientist is a scientist who studies the environment and its interaction with living organisms. They may specialize in areas such as ecology, conservation, climate change, or pollution.
No, the cryosphere does not represent all living things. The cryosphere refers to the portions of the Earth's surface where water is in solid form, such as ice caps, glaciers, and snow. It does not encompass the entire range of living organisms on Earth.
A divide on Earth is a physical separation between two land masses, often created by tectonic plate movements. This can lead to the formation of features such as rift valleys or mountain ranges. An example of a prominent divide is the East African Rift.
Living spaces or functional zones within a home.
Living on a flood plain is dangerous because flood plains are low-lying areas prone to flooding when rivers or other bodies of water overflow. Floods can cause damage to property, threaten human lives, and disrupt communities, making it unsafe for living in those areas.
I think marine biologists, but I can't guarantee it.
An environmental scientist is a scientist who studies the environment and its interaction with living organisms. They may specialize in areas such as ecology, conservation, climate change, or pollution.
A well defined system of classification facilitates the orderly study of living things*. * It is crucial in other areas of science as well.
All the organisms and living things in that forest will become homeless, and there will be a short supply of food for everything that was living in the forest, and a lot of things wouldn't survive.
One good thing you can get by living in Malinao is that the poverty level is not as pronounced as it is in other areas in the Philippines.
Yes, living things do occur in rain shadow deserts. Both plants and animals can be found here although their population densities may not be as great as in non desert areas.
=A Divide=
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--Physical (Making or Moving Things) --Information/Communication (Transmitting or Recieving of New or Old Information) --BioTechnology (Using living things to enhance technology)
A control group helps the scientist contrast between what normally happens and what happens when he/she does something to affect it.For example, fruit flies living in tropical areas have the tropical ds2 allele, which is helpful in tropical areas. A scientist puts some of the flies into a place where there's less vegetation, and two of those migrated flies produce an offspring with a mutated ds2 gene that helps that mutated fly survive where there's less vegetation. In this whole experiment, the fruit flies with the tropical ds2 allele living in the tropical areas would be the control group, which is important because it helped the scientist contrast the survival of flies in different environments.
Bosnia and Herzegovina with 47% of its population living in urban areas.
Wind, water, and living things are three means of seed dispersal in plants. Wind can carry seeds over long distances, water can transport seeds downstream, and living things such as animals can scatter seeds as they move around. These mechanisms help plants colonize new areas and increase genetic diversity.