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Rocks at the top of a mountain are likely to be more weathered due to exposure to harsher environmental conditions such as wind, rain, and ice. They may also be smaller in size compared to rocks at the bottom which have not been subjected to the same level of erosion or weathering. Additionally, rocks at the bottom may have been deposited there through processes like erosion and landslides from the higher elevations of the mountain.

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Q: How are rock at the top of a mountain different than ones at the bottom?
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Depending on where you are looking from, it changes. From the bottom of it, it would look like a mountain, may be grassy/rock/metamorphic rock. From a birds eye view it would look very different. Depending if it is dormant, living or extinct it would still look like a mountain but with a creater in the middle. This may be steaming, have lava in it or just be rock.

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I can almost answer it the bottom ones a rock star.

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The fault is younger than rock layer A. This is because faults are fractures in the Earth's crust that form after the deposition of rock layers, and activities like faulting can occur long after the rock layers have been deposited and solidified.

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The time it takes for a mountain to erode and be washed to the sea can vary greatly depending on factors such as the mountain's geological composition, climate, and tectonic activity. This process can take millions of years or even longer for some mountains.

What type of mountain is Mountain?

stone mountain is a rock of granite

What two minerals are abundant in the mountains?

It depends on WHICH mountain. Each mountain is composed of different types of rock and minerals from the Earth.Some of these include:QuartzGraniteFeldsparGemstonesGoldKaolinAnd many more.For the minerals of a specific mountain, re-ask the question with the name of the mountain.

Melted rock that has come out of a mountain is?

The molted rock that has come out of a mountain is called magma.