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Heat and pressure transform the remains of marine sediment into metamorphic rocks, such as slate, schist, and gneiss. These rocks are formed through the process of recrystallization, where the mineral composition and texture of the sedimentary rocks change due to the intense heat and pressure.

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Q: Heat from earth interior and pressure from overlying rock transform the remains of marine sediment into what?
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What does heat from earths interior and pressure from overlying rock transform te remains of marine sediments into?

Heat from Earth's interior and pressure from overlying rock transform the remains of marine sediments into metamorphic rocks, such as slate, marble, or schist. This process, known as metamorphism, causes the minerals in the sediments to recrystallize and reorganize, resulting in a new rock with different properties than the original sediment.

What are the two primary causes of lithification?

The two primary causes of lithification are compaction, where sediments are squeezed together by the weight of overlying layers, and cementation, where minerals precipitate and bind sediment grains together. These processes transform loose sediment into solid rock.

The process where sediment becomes glued together?

The process where sediment becomes glued together is called lithification. It involves compaction and cementation of sediment particles to form sedimentary rocks over time. Pressure from overlying layers and the presence of mineral-rich fluids help bind the sediment grains together.

Packed down as in sediment that becomes rock?

When sediment is deposited in layers and undergoes compaction due to the weight of overlying sediments, it squeezes out water and air, causing the sediment grains to become tightly packed. With time and pressure, this compacted sediment can undergo lithification to become sedimentary rock, such as sandstone or shale.

What is the process in which layer upon layer of sediment builds up and pressure from the upper layers causes the lower layers to stick together and form solid rock?

The process is called lithification. It involves the compaction and cementation of loose sediment to form sedimentary rock. Pressure from overlying layers squeezes out water and air, causing the sediment grains to pack together more tightly and creating solid rock.

Related questions

What does heat from earths interior and pressure from overlying rock transform te remains of marine sediments into?

Heat from Earth's interior and pressure from overlying rock transform the remains of marine sediments into metamorphic rocks, such as slate, marble, or schist. This process, known as metamorphism, causes the minerals in the sediments to recrystallize and reorganize, resulting in a new rock with different properties than the original sediment.

What is is the reduction of pore space in sediment as a result of the weight of the overlying sediments?

The reduction of pore space in sediment due to the weight of overlying sediments is known as compaction. Compaction occurs as the pressure from the overlying sediments squeezes out water and air from the pore spaces, causing the sediment grains to become more tightly packed together. This process can lead to the formation of sedimentary rocks over time.

How does sediment become compact?

Sediment becomes compacted through the pressure of overlying layers of sediment, water, and other materials. The weight from these layers squeezes the sediment particles together, forcing out the spaces between them. Over time, this compaction can lead to the formation of sedimentary rock.

What is The partial decomposition of plant remains in an oxygen-poor swamp followed by intense pressure from overlying layers of sediment creates a layer of soft brown material known as?

The partial decomposition of plant remains in an oxygen-poor swamp followed by intense pressure from overlying layers of sediment creates a layer of soft brown material known as peat.

What occurs when the weight of overlying sediment forces the sediment grains to fuse?

A sedimentary rock is formed.

What are the two primary causes of lithification?

The two primary causes of lithification are compaction, where sediments are squeezed together by the weight of overlying layers, and cementation, where minerals precipitate and bind sediment grains together. These processes transform loose sediment into solid rock.

The process where sediment becomes glued together?

The process where sediment becomes glued together is called lithification. It involves compaction and cementation of sediment particles to form sedimentary rocks over time. Pressure from overlying layers and the presence of mineral-rich fluids help bind the sediment grains together.

Packed down as in sediment that becomes rock?

When sediment is deposited in layers and undergoes compaction due to the weight of overlying sediments, it squeezes out water and air, causing the sediment grains to become tightly packed. With time and pressure, this compacted sediment can undergo lithification to become sedimentary rock, such as sandstone or shale.

Which factors are needed to turn dead organism into fossil fuel?

To turn a dead organism into fossil fuel, three main factors are needed: 1) organic material from the dead organism, such as plants or animals, 2) high pressure from layers of sediment accumulating over time, and 3) high temperatures, typically from the Earth's heat and pressure from the overlying sediment. Over millions of years, these conditions transform the organic material into fossil fuels like coal, oil, or natural gas.

How can a cliff can be turned into a layer of mudstone over millions of years?

A cliff can be turned into a layer of mudstone over millions of years through the process of sedimentation. Sediment, such as mud and silt, can accumulate at the base of the cliff and gradually compact to form mudstone. The weight of the overlying sediment, along with pressure and time, can transform the loose sediment into solid rock.

Compressions form when the overlying compresses the organism into a flat layer?

Compressions form when an organism gets buried by sediment, which puts pressure on the remains and squeezes out any fluids. Over time, the sediment hardens into rock, preserving the flattened impression of the organism. This process helps to create fossils known as compression fossils.

What geologic processes transform sandstone into quartzite quartzite into magma and magma into rhyolite?

compacting and cementaing heat and pressure melting