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Yes! Wind is air that is moving and air is made up of various gasses and pollutants all are made up of molecules and molecules are made up of atoms.

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2w ago

Yes, wind is made up of moving air molecules, primarily nitrogen, oxygen, and smaller amounts of other gases like carbon dioxide, argon, and water vapor. So, wind contains atoms and molecules that make up the various gases in Earth's atmosphere.

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3y ago

no because when i breath toms doesnt come out of my mouth air does duhhhh silly

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Q: Does wind have atoms and molecules in it?
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What was made fist molecules or atoms?

Atoms existed before molecules do. Without atoms, molecules could not happen.

Why doesn't wind have molecules or atoms?

Wind is the movement of air caused by the uneven heating of Earth's surface. While air itself is made up of molecules (mostly nitrogen and oxygen), wind is simply the result of these air molecules moving from high pressure areas to low pressure areas.

When atoms combine with other atoms?

They make molecules. Molecules are a bunch of Atoms together.

Do elements consist of atoms or molecules?

Atoms. Molecules are two or more atoms together.

Do atoms are composed of molecules?

No, atoms are the basic building blocks of matter, while molecules are made up of two or more atoms bonded together. So, atoms are not composed of molecules, but molecules are made up of atoms.

Are atoms bigger than molecules?

No, atoms are smaller than molecules. Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter and combine to form molecules, which are made up of two or more atoms bonded together.

Why atoms and molecules are invented?

The were not invented, they exist. Atoms and molecules were discovered.

How are atoms and molocules related?

Atoms are the building blocks of molecules. Molecules are formed when two or more atoms chemically bond together. Different combinations of atoms can create a wide variety of molecules with unique properties.

How are atoms related to molecules in a sample of a compound?

Atoms are the building blocks of molecules. Molecules are formed when two or more atoms chemically combine through bonds. A sample of a compound is made up of these molecules, which in turn are made up of individual atoms.

Are particles in molecules?

Yes. Molecules are composed of atoms. Atoms are composed of particles.

Which particles in an atom are in the molecules?

All of them. Molecules are made of atoms, not pieces of atoms.

What are molecules made up of?

Molecules are substances consisting two or more atoms.