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No. Granite does not have gaps between the grains. The crystals in an intrusive igneous rock are interlocking.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 7mo ago

Granite is a type of igneous rock that typically has interlocking mineral grains without visible gaps. These interlocked grains give granite its characteristic strength and durability, making it a popular choice for countertops and building materials.

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Q: Does granite have Gaps between the Grains?
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Does granite have rounded grains?

Granite does not have rounded grains but contains interlocking grains. An example of a rock with rounded grains is a sandstone.

Granite have small or large grains?

Large grains, and crystals

Quartz and potassium feldspar grains are the main constituents of which rock?

Granite is the rock composed mainly of quartz and potassium feldspar grains.

what are the colours of grains in granite?

Granite is an intrusive igneous rock with large grains (minerals) easily seen by the naked eye. Granite colours are most commonly pink, white, variations of grey and black.

What is the Difference Between Sandstone and Granite?

Sandstone, as its name implies, is composed of many small grains of sand loosely held together. You may be able to rub some off with your hand. The grains will be small and there will be spaces between the grains. Granite on the other hand is formed from the melt underground, and has crystallized there. The crystals will be larger - up to cm size - and firmly bound. [Except if the granite is badly weathered.]

What is a porous rock?

one which allows water to seep between the gaps between the grains which make up the rock. This is because the grains are non-interlocking therefore water can get through. You can look at it a bit like a sponge.

Does granite have grains sometimes called crystals?


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What substance can enter into gaps between the grains in limestone?

Water and other fluids can enter into gaps between the grains in limestone, leading to the dissolution and transformation of the rock over time through processes like chemical weathering.

Why do they call granite granite?

Granite is actually made of mineral grains that are stuck together and solidified. It appears that the name "granite" comes from the based word "grain".

What is the differencee between granite and sandstone?

Granite is an igneous rock where magma is trapped under the ground for so long that it creates rough grained crystals. On the other hand, Sandstone is formed when sediment with grains the size of sand grains becomes compacted underwater for a very long time.

Are rocks composed of numerous distinct grains?

Yes. The grains can be microscopic, as in sandstone, or quite large, as in granite.