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I do think the authors intended CxA. It's a better story. More of, you might say, a Final FANTASY.

Cloud and Aeris were the couple from the start--regardless of past crushes and love, the true intended couple of FFVII was indeed Cloud and Aeris. This is hinted more than enough times in the Complitation. Including the infamous quote, "Cloud carries his own undying feelings for Aerith, even to this very day..." and that Aerith is the woman forever engraved in Cloud's heart. Plus, Cloud wants to meet Aeris in the Promised Land--a place that promises supreme happiness. Cloud's obvious supreme happiness lies with Aerith.

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Cloud and Aerith share a strong bond and have deep feelings for each other, but whether those feelings can be categorized as "true love" is open to interpretation. Their relationship is complex and evolves throughout the story of Final Fantasy VII, with moments of genuine connection and care. Ultimately, their connection is a key aspect of the game's narrative and emotional impact.

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Q: Does cloud feel true love for aerith?
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Why does aerith like cloud?

Aerith is drawn to Cloud's kindness and bravery, as well as his willingness to protect others. She also sees a vulnerability in him that she wants to support and help him overcome. Their connection grows as they journey together and face challenges side by side.

You were told from a earth science teacher that lightning starts from the ground is this true?

There are many types of lightning STREAMERS that start a lightning strike. There are 3 basic places where streamers will originate from. They can come from a cloud to the ground or the ground to a cloud or from cloud to cloud. So your teacher was correct. But not always from the ground.

True or false a tornado is a funnel cloud that has touched the ground?

True. A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground, and when it touches the ground it is then classified as a tornado. The funnel cloud is the visible condensation funnel attached to the rotating column of air but becomes a tornado once it touches the ground.

After cloud droplets form what must happen to them for precipitation to occur?

For precipitation to occur, cloud droplets must grow in size and become heavy enough to fall out of the cloud as precipitation. This can happen through processes such as collision and coalescence, where cloud droplets collide and merge together, or through the process of ice crystal formation when the cloud is cold enough. Once the droplets grow large enough, they will fall as rain, snow, sleet, or hail, depending on the atmospheric conditions.

Mommy says she loves you is it true?

It's possible your mommy does love you. It's important to communicate openly with her and share your feelings to understand how she truly feels.

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Who is Cloud's true love?

Well, it is Tifa!!! For sure, the debate on love triangle between Tifa, Cloud And Aerith is over. Cloud and Tifa together, make them ask-kicking couple!

Why does aerith like cloud?

Aerith is drawn to Cloud's kindness and bravery, as well as his willingness to protect others. She also sees a vulnerability in him that she wants to support and help him overcome. Their connection grows as they journey together and face challenges side by side.

How does love make people feel?

It makes you feel like your floating on a cloud. It's hard not to smile you feel high but better then any drug. It's true extacy

How do know if it is true love?

if the love is true, you will feel like you have butterflies in your stomach. you will want to be with the one you love everyday, every minute, and every second. you will feel as if their is no one else in the world but you and the one you love. love is serious, question yourself. ask "do i want to spend the rest of my life with this person?" if you feel as if you do, then its true love.

What does true love feel like to you?

True love is when you know you can trust that person. You can tell they love you back and you feel different when your around them. You want to be with them all the time. By: Fiona Watt

Does minors feel true love?

Paedo alert!

How can you feel true love?

for a short period of time.

How can you fell true love?

when you feel true love......when you are sleep whe3n the times you are thinking of your special........ you did not feel jealous every time you see him with other girl or boy.................

Why people feel sorrow for his love?

The courses of true love never did run smooth.

What is relly true love?

true love is when u feel some way about another person that u have never felt before

Is love a true emotion Or is it the bi-product or build up of true emotions like empathy and respect?

True love is a feeling that we just feel. You can't explain love. Love just happens. You can't describe it. You just know when your in love.

What a girl really wants?

Girl only want to feel your love and to feel that you are being true to her or faithful.