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8mo ago

Some brands of carbonated water may contain phosphates as an additive for flavor enhancement and to adjust the pH level. It's important to check the ingredient list on the product packaging to see if phosphates are included.

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Q: Does carbonated water have phosphates
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How much sodium is in carbonated water?

Most carbonated waters, including plain seltzer, do not contain any sodium. However, it's always best to check the nutrition label on the specific brand of carbonated water you are consuming to be sure.

How do you make a chocolate phosphate?

A chocolate phosphate is carbonated (seltzer) water and chocolate syrup over ice. Purists will insist on Fox's U-Bet chocolate syrup. Adding milk makes it an "egg cream" (known as a "New York egg cream" in Chicago and other places outside of New York). Phosphates, like egg creams, are originally fountain creations, and the range of flavors of phosphates equals the range of syrup flavors at the fountain. Thus, there are vanilla and strawberry phosphates (and egg creams), too.

What is the difference between nitrates and phosphates?

Nitrates are compounds containing nitrogen and oxygen, commonly found in fertilizers and as a pollutant in water bodies. Phosphates are compounds containing phosphorus and oxygen, also found in fertilizers and contributing to water pollution. Both can lead to nutrient pollution in water bodies, but nitrates are more associated with groundwater contamination while phosphates are more linked to surface water issues.

Why are phosphates in fertilizer and laundry detergent?

Phosphates in fertilizers help promote plant growth by providing nutrients essential for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes. In laundry detergents, phosphates can act as water softeners and help in breaking down dirt and grease more effectively, leading to cleaner clothes. However, excessive use of phosphates can lead to water pollution and harmful algal blooms in aquatic ecosystems.

Does rain water contain phosphates?

No. Salt is too heavy to evaporate. Even though some rain water is evaporated from the ocean it does not contain salt. No. When the water evaporates, it leaves the salt behind.

Related questions

How much carbonated water does coke have?

92.31% carbonated water

Is carbonated water dehydrating or is it as hydrating as non-carbonated water?

Generally speaking, carbonated water is just as hydrating as non-carbonated water. Most carbonated water contains no additives (other than the carbon dioxide). However, some carbonated water contains additives. One of the more common additives to carbonated water is sodium chloride (table salt). Depending upon the amount of sodium in the carbonated water, and your body's sodium levels, the carbonated water could be more or less hydrating than the non-carbonated variety. The addition of the carbon dioxide has no effect on the hydrating power of the water.

Is there any difference between carbonated water and sparkling water?

Carbonated water has carbon dioxide under pressure added to the water. Sparkling water may be naturally carbonated.

Is carbonated water a solution?

Yes, carbonated water is a solution of carbon dioxide.

What is the use of carbonated water?

Carbonated water is widely used is in soft drinks.

What is the function of carbonated water in can drinks?

Carbonated water is a more refreshing drink.

Is gas carbonated water?

The gas in carbonated water - is Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

How much calories in carbonated water?

Carbonated water has no glucose in it and therefore has no calories

Who invented carbonated water?

i don't think they invented carbonated water i no that there is a place near France and there is a carbonated water spring its called Perrier search it.

How much water in Dr pepper?

It has 80% of carbonated water.

What percentage of carbonated water is in Pepsi?

Coke, as well as most other carbonated soft drinks, is about 95.78 percent carbonated water. The carbonation is caused by added carbon dioxide.

Is sprite carbonated?

Yes, sprite is about 92% carbonated water