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not always but alot of the time they do occur at the same time it is possible

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2w ago

Weathering and erosion are related processes that often occur simultaneously. Weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces, while erosion transports these pieces to a different location. Both processes work together to shape the Earth's surface over time.

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do weathering and erosion happen at the same time

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Q: Do weathering and erosion happen at the same time?
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What is weathering and erosion and explain weathering and erosion?

Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks and minerals into smaller pieces through exposure to environmental factors like water, wind, and temperature changes. Erosion is the movement and transportation of these weathered materials by natural forces like water, wind, and ice. Together, weathering and erosion work to shape and change the Earth's surface over time.

Why does weathering and erosion happen?

Weathering and erosion happen due to the processes of physical, chemical, and biological breakdown of rocks and soil. Weathering breaks down rocks through exposure to elements like water, wind, and temperature changes, while erosion involves the transport of the weathered material by forces like water, wind, and glaciers. These processes shape the Earth's surface over time by wearing down and moving particles from one place to another.

How is erosion the same as weathering how is erosion different from weathering?

Weathering is the breakdown of rocks and minerals at or near the Earth's surface, while erosion is the transportation of the weathered material. Weathering physically and chemically breaks down rocks, whereas erosion involves the movement of the weathered material by wind, water, or ice. Both processes work together to shape the Earth's surface over time.

Is a cave weathering or erosion?

A cave is typically formed through a combination of weathering and erosion. Weathering breaks down the rock material, while erosion removes it, creating a void in the rock that can develop into a cave over time.

Does weathering erosion deposition happens a lot?

Yes, weathering, erosion, and deposition are constant natural processes that occur on Earth's surface due to factors such as temperature changes, rainfall, and wind. These processes happen continuously over time, shaping landscapes and contributing to geological changes.

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Can erosion and weathering happen any time?


Can a rock go through weathering and erosion at the same time?

Yes, a rock can undergo weathering and erosion simultaneously. Weathering breaks down the rock into smaller pieces, while erosion transports these pieces to different locations. These processes can occur concurrently as the rock is being both broken down and carried away.

What are the time scale of the weathering process?

The time scale of the weathering process can vary greatly depending on factors such as the type of rock or mineral being weathered, climate conditions, and human activities. Weathering can occur over short periods, like a few years for physical weathering, or much longer periods, such as thousands to millions of years for chemical weathering processes.

How fast does weathering occur?

The speed of weathering can vary depending on factors such as climate, type of rock, and presence of vegetation. In general, physical weathering processes like frost action or abrasion tend to happen more quickly than chemical weathering processes like oxidation or hydration. Weathering is typically a slow process that occurs over thousands to millions of years.

How have sediments been transported over time?

Sediments have been transported over time through various natural processes such as erosion, weathering, and transportation by wind, water, glaciers, or gravity. These processes can move sediments from one location to another, shaping landscapes and depositing sediments in different environments. Eventually, these sediments can be compacted and cemented together to form sedimentary rocks.

How do weathering and erosion work on mountains?

over time erosion eats away at the surface making it smoother

How is weathering different than erosion?

weathering is part of erosion there are two types of erosion mechanical and chemical. chemical refers to elements such as oxygen and Iron which cause a chemical change such as rust and oxidation mechanical weathering is when rocks or materials are separated by water mass movement etc

How are minerals mixed up in a rock?

By weathering and erosion by the time and day

What causes mountains to become shorter over time?

Mountains can become shorter over time due to processes like erosion, weathering, and tectonic activity. Erosion from factors such as water, wind, and ice can wear down the surface of mountains, while weathering breaks down the rocks that make up the mountains. Tectonic processes like plate movement can also cause mountains to slowly erode and decrease in height.

What kind of weathering is wind erosion?

Wind erosion is a type of physical weathering where the force of wind transports and deposits rock fragments, leading to the breakdown and wearing away of rocks over time.

How a mountain become a plain over a long time?

because of weathering and erosion

What are rocks make?

Rocks are made of tiny pieces of sediments that have been compacted together through the process's of weathering,erosion,and deposition. But this process takes a long time to happen