Planets have seasons due to their axial tilt and orbit around the sun. As a planet revolves around the sun, different parts receive varying amounts of sunlight, leading to changes in temperature and weather patterns. The tilt of the planet's axis determines the angle at which sunlight reaches different regions, causing variations in the duration and intensity of sunlight, resulting in seasons.
Its axis of rotation were perpendicular to its orbital plane
The changing seasons are a result of the Earth's revolution around the sun. As the Earth orbits the sun, its axial tilt causes different parts of the planet to receive varying amounts of sunlight, leading to the distinct seasons we experience.
Seasons happen because of the tilt of Earth's axis as it orbits the sun. This tilt causes different regions of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year, which leads to changes in temperature and weather patterns. The combination of the tilt of the Earth and its orbit around the sun results in the four distinct seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.
seasons affect farming because when the earth does its orbit around the sun the seasons chang in the winter solstice the plants will not grow where in the summer solstice they will grow because they are getting alot of sun so to answer this question if a farmer tries to plant a crop in the winter solstice it will not grow
Seasons happen because of the orbiting of Earth ,around the Sun
About 18 miles/sec around the sun, which is itself travelling about 30 miles/sec relative to local stars, which are traveling at about 300 miles/s relative to the galaxy centre, which is traveling at ? relative to local galaxies, which are traveling at... So the short answer is, yes.
It relates because after every orbit the seasons change
There are four seasons because of the earth's tilt and it's orbit around the sun
There's nothing between the galaxies. It's just other galaxies that float around the universe.
yes, but the tilt of its axis also helps the Earth experience the seasons.
The seasons change NOT because the Earth rotates, but because of our revelution around the sun. It is summer when the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. the seasons have nothing to do with the distance to the sun. the Eath is closest to the sun in winter.
The seasons, because of the tilt of the Earth's axis.
Truth be told, It does have seasons. Maybe they aren't major, but they still are seasons. And it has seasons because the Earth is at a tilt in its axis, causing it to, when it moves around the sun, change also because the tilt never changes, meaning it only goes one way and it stays that way. Hope I helped! :)
Yes, because they can get more information around the world Yes, because they can get more information around the world Yes, because they can get more information around the world
We have seasons, because the earth rotates around the sun, and where we are in the solar system effects what season we're in.
Because the tellurian has a ball,moon that rotating around the sun...