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fertile soil

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2mo ago

Soil is made up of minerals from weathered rocks, such as quartz and feldspar, as well as organic material from decomposed plants and animals. The organic material provides nutrients for plants to grow, while the weathered rocks contribute to the soil's texture and structure.

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Q: Describe the composition of soil as consisting of weathered rocks and decomposed organic material?
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Describe three horizons of a residual soil?

Horizon A: This is the topmost layer, consisting of organic matter and mineral particles that have undergone weathering. Horizon B: This layer is characterized by the accumulation of minerals and nutrients leached from the upper horizons. Horizon C: The bottommost layer that directly overlies the bedrock, containing partially weathered rock fragments and minimal organic material.

Describe what you would expect to see in the c horizon of a soil?

In the C horizon of a soil, you would typically see partially weathered parent material that is not well-developed into soil. It is often composed of broken-down rock fragments with little organic matter, minerals, or nutrients. The C horizon is the least weathered and least fertile layer of the soil profile.

Composition porosity permeability particle size are used to describe different types of?

Composition, porosity, permeability, and particle size are used to describe different characteristics of sedimentary rocks. Composition refers to the minerals and materials present in the rock, porosity measures the amount of space between particles, permeability measures the rock's ability to allow fluids to flow through it, and particle size refers to the size of the individual grains or particles that make up the rock.

Scientists describe soil based on what?

Scientists describe soil based on its texture, structure, composition, pH level, and organic matter content. These characteristics help categorize soil types and determine their suitability for different types of plant growth and environmental purposes.

What is the difference of andesitic and andesite?

Andesitic describes a rock's overall composition, referring to igneous rocks that are intermediate in composition between basaltic and granitic rocks. Andesite, on the other hand, is a specific type of fine-grained volcanic rock that falls within the andesitic composition range and is commonly found in volcanic regions such as the Andes Mountains.

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