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The temperature of a current will affect thetemperature of the air around it, and if the air's heated, it'll rise and cold air will take its place, the movement of this cold air is wind. Currents may also affect the temperature of nearby countries. Water'll evaporate in a hot current, and then eventually saturate the sky until it rains but I might recommend some more research as well. The wind will also control the direction of rain and storms and the wind is not always controlled by currents as there are other ways which wind is created, such as when the land on the coast is hotter than the sea, a wind would come to fill the cold air gap above the land. The reason it fills in is due to diffusion.

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3mo ago

Currents affect climate by distributing heat around the Earth. Warm ocean currents can bring warmer temperatures to regions they flow towards, while cold ocean currents can cool down nearby regions. These temperature changes influence weather patterns and contribute to the overall climate of a region.

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What ways do ocean currents affect climate?

Ocean currents affect climate by distributing heat around the planet. Warm ocean currents transport heat from the equator towards the poles, while cold ocean currents bring cooler temperatures towards the equator. This can result in different climate patterns and influences weather systems in various regions.

What do surface currents affect?

Surface currents affect weather patterns, ocean temperature distribution, and marine ecosystems. They play a key role in transporting heat and nutrients around the world and can impact the climate of coastal regions.

What factors affect the climate of a region?

Factors that affect the climate of a region include proximity to oceans or mountains, latitude, altitude, prevailing winds, and ocean currents. Additionally, human activities such as deforestation and urbanization can also impact the climate of a region.

Currents affect what of neighboring land masses?

Currents can affect the climate, weather patterns, and ecosystems of neighboring land masses. They can bring warm or cold water, impacting temperatures and precipitation levels, and also influence the distribution and abundance of marine life along the coastlines.

What climate control factor affect your local climateWhat are the 5 factors that affect climate on a local scale?

The climate control factors that affect local climate include latitude, altitude, proximity to bodies of water, ocean currents, and prevailing wind patterns. The five factors that affect climate on a local scale are latitude, altitude, topography, proximity to water bodies, and prevailing wind patterns.

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What is currents influenced by?

currents affect the climate.

What are the factors that affect the climate of a place?

ocean currents

What are the factor that affect the climate of a place?

ocean currents

How do ocean currents affect coastal climate temperature?


What factors most strongly affect a regions climate?

Latitude, winds, and currents strongly affect a region's climate

How does the kuroshio current affect japans climate?

Ocean currents greatly affect the climate of Japan. Summer months are hot and wet due to currents that blow from the Pacific Ocean. These currents are also responsible for frequent typhoons.

How water currents affect climate?

The warm water currents in the ocean make the atmosphere warmer hence the climate of those regions become warmer.

What ways do ocean currents affect climate?

Ocean currents affect climate by distributing heat around the planet. Warm ocean currents transport heat from the equator towards the poles, while cold ocean currents bring cooler temperatures towards the equator. This can result in different climate patterns and influences weather systems in various regions.

How do oceans currents and bodys of water affect climate?

ocean currents help distribute solar energy other links are below

Name 2 things that the ocean currents affect on earth?

climate marine life

How do we affect the Atlantic ocean?

i think your words are flipped. You may mean "How does the Atlantic ocean affect the climate?" If that is your question, the ocean currents have a major impact on the climate of some countries because the temperature of the ocean current can affect the surrounding regions. You should look into ocean currents.

What is the relationship between antarctica and its climate?

The climate of Antarctica is affected by its geographic position--it is on the south pole, so it gets no sun at all during the winter. There are also ocean currents, wind currents, and other things that affect the climate.