affected by all antibiotics, helpful & harmful, reproduces asexually, prokaryotic, single-celled.
Eubacteria are prokaryotic single-celled organisms that have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan. They reproduce asexually through binary fission and are found in a wide range of habitats, including soil, water, and the human body. Eubacteria play important roles in various ecological processes, such as nutrient recycling and nitrogen fixation.
Members of Eukarya have membrane-bound organelles, such as a nucleus and mitochondria, which are absent in members of Eubacteria. Eukaryotic cells also have linear chromosomes and undergo mitosis during cell division, features not found in Eubacteria. Additionally, eukaryotic cells have a more complex cytoskeleton compared to Eubacteria.
Eubacteria play a crucial role in living systems by being involved in processes such as nutrient recycling, nitrogen fixation, and decomposition. They are also important for human health, as they help in digestion and produce certain vitamins in the gut. Additionally, some eubacteria are used in biotechnology for tasks such as producing antibiotics and cleaning up environmental pollutants.
One key characteristic that is not a characteristic of mineraloids is definite chemical composition. While minerals have a specific chemical composition, mineraloids lack a precise chemical formula or have variable compositions.
Yes, an element's flame color is a chemical characteristic. It is determined by the electronic configuration of the element's atoms and the specific energy levels involved in the emission of light when the element is heated.
Diamagnetism, in which materials have a weak repulsive response to magnetic fields, is most characteristic of most materials.
Eubacteria live in extreme environments. archaebacteria live everywhere else.
Archaea and Eubacteria
Cells with nulcei ---- Novanet
Cells with nulcei ---- Novanet
All members of Eukarya have membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria and nucleus, which eubacteria lack. This cellular organization allows eukaryotic organisms to have compartmentalized functions within their cells.
The defining characteristic of a eukaryote is that eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus, or a nuclear envelope, which contains the genetic material of the cell. Eubacteria are well developed bacteria that have a definite nucleus. Because all eubacteria have nuclei, all eubacteria are eukaryotic.
No, peptidoglycan cell walls are characteristic of Eubacteria, which are prokaryotes.
Cells with nulcei ---- Novanet
Eubacteria can be grouped based on their shape: cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod-shaped), and spirilla (spiral-shaped). This classification helps distinguish different types of eubacteria based on their physical characteristics.
The presence of a cell wall made of peptidoglycan in eubacteria and a lack of peptidoglycan in archaebacteria distinguishes them from members of the other four kingdoms.
absence of a cellular nucleus