The average snowfall for Oswego, NY is around 123 inches per year.
The average snowfall in Jamestown, NY is around 94 inches per year.
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface.
Average temperature in Birmingham varies from month to month, it's at it's coldest in January and February with an average temperature of 3; and at it's warmest in July and August with an average temperature of 16.
The average daytime temperature on Earth varies depending on location and season. However, the average global temperature during the day is around 57 degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius).
The driving distance from Buffalo, NY, USA to The Hamptons, NY, USA is 466.82mi / 751.27km
60 miles
roughly 1650 miles
It is 176 miles using the ferry,
I believe it is filmed in the Hamptons. Beach lane in Wainscott NY to be exact.
This is an approximate driving distance. The actual driving distance may differ according to the path chosen. The distance mentioned between the above mentioned places is 231.34mi
Beginning of July it starts to get warm. Average temperature is like 75-80.
Her family used to have a home in the Hamptons.
The duration of Murder in the Hamptons is 2 hours.
The median price of a house in the Hamptons was $735,000 in 2008. Due to the unstable nature of the housing market and the present economic state in the United States, it is more than likely that this number has dropped.
Murder in the Hamptons was created on 2005-07-11.
The Hamptons - TV series - was created in 1983.