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scientific theory

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3w ago

One pattern in nature that is supported by many investigations is the occurrence of Fibonacci numbers in plant growth patterns. These numbers can be seen in the arrangement of leaves, petals, and seeds in various plants. The ratio between consecutive Fibonacci numbers approaches the golden ratio, which is believed to optimize growth efficiency in plants.

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Q: An explanation of a pattern in nature that is supported by observations and results from many investigations?
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How did scientists advance Wagner's Hypothesis into the Theory of plate Tectonics?

Scientists used new technologies such as seafloor mapping, paleomagnetism, and seismic studies to gather extensive evidence supporting the movement of tectonic plates. These observations revealed a pattern of seafloor spreading, subduction zones, and continental drift, leading to the development of the Theory of Plate Tectonics in the 1960s.

What is a curved fracture pattern is called?

A curved fracture pattern is called a conchoidal fracture. It is a type of fracture that results in smooth, curved surfaces resembling the interior of a seashell. This type of fracture is commonly seen in materials like glass and minerals such as quartz.

Which evidence convinced many geologists that the continents were slowly moving?

The discovery of matching geological formations and fossils on different continents, as well as the observation of similar rock sequences and structures across continents, provided strong evidence to support the theory of continental drift. Additionally, the identification of mid-ocean ridges and the pattern of magnetic striping on the ocean floor further supported the idea of plate tectonics and continental movement.

Which term is defined as a pattern that forms from a common center?

A term defined as a pattern that forms from a common center is a radial pattern. It is characterized by elements extending outward from a central point in a symmetric arrangement.

Evidence that the sun's atmosphere contains sodium atoms?

Sodium atoms in the sun's atmosphere were first detected through spectroscopic analysis, which revealed the specific wavelengths of light absorbed by sodium atoms in the sun's spectrum. This absorption pattern is caused by the presence of sodium atoms in the outer layers of the sun's atmosphere, known as the chromosphere and corona. Additionally, observations of the sun's spectral lines provide further confirmation of the presence of sodium atoms in its atmosphere.

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Which phrase best describes a scientific theory?

A scientific theory is the best explanation for a praticular pattern of observations.

An explanation of a pattern in nature that is supported by obsirvstions and reults from many investigations?

One example is the Fibonacci sequence, which is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. This pattern is seen in various natural phenomena like the arrangement of leaves, petals on a flower, and branching in trees. It has been observed in many investigations, showing a consistent mathematical pattern in nature.

A pattern or relationship that has been established based on a large amount of experimental data is a?

scientific theory. This is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence from various sources, including experiments and observations.

What is a guess about a pattern or relationship based on observations in mathematics?


Drawing conclusions from a pattern of observations is known as?

inductive reasoning.

What does hypothesis mean in geography terms?

In geography, a hypothesis refers to a proposed explanation or prediction about a phenomenon or pattern based on existing knowledge or observations. It serves as a starting point for research or investigation that aims to be tested and validated through data collection and analysis.

What describes many observations but does not explain them?

A pattern describes many observations but does not explain them. Patterns may be observed in data or phenomena, but the underlying cause or mechanism behind the pattern is not fully understood.

What describes an observed pattern in nature but doesn't provide an explanation for it?

An observation describes a pattern.

What makes a law different than a theory?

A law describes a consistent relationship or pattern in nature that has been observed and verified through repeated experiments or observations. It is a statement of a phenomenon that consistently behaves in a predictable way under certain conditions. A theory, on the other hand, is an explanation or model that attempts to describe why a law operates as it does, based on a broader framework of principles and concepts. It is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is supported by evidence and has undergone rigorous testing.

What is the word for a guess about a pattern or relationship based on observations?

This would be called a hypothesis.

Is a law a proven theory?

A law is a statement that describes an observed phenomenon, usually in the form of a mathematical equation, while a theory is a well-supported explanation for why and how that phenomenon occurs. Laws are not proven theories, but rather they serve as a description of a consistent relationship observed in nature. Theories are broader explanations that incorporate multiple laws and observations to provide a deeper understanding of a phenomenon.

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a law is something that is true and a theory is an opinion or thought that can be proven wrong.