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32 Degrees is the Freezing Point of Water (in the Fahrenheit scale).

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

This phrase is a substitution code where "32 d is fp of w" translates to "32 degrees is freezing point of water." It means that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Q: 32 d is fp of w?
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#include#includeFILE *fp;sturct student{int a,r;char n[10];float p;}s;main(){int response;clrscr();fp=fopen("file1.dat","w+");while(1){printf("\nInput data from keyboard to write to file\n");printf("input name ");scanf("%s",s.n);printf("\nInput roll no.,age and percentage ");scanf("%d%d%f",&s.r,&s.a,&s.p);fprintf(fp,"%s%d%d%f",s.n,s.r,s.a,s.p);printf("\nAnother record 1:yes, 0:no ");scanf("%d",&response);if(response==0)break;}rewind(fp);printf("\nDate storeed in file is\n");printf("\nName\tRollNo.Age\tPer.\n");while(!feof(fp)){scanf(fp,"%s%d%d%f",s.n,&s.r,&s.a,&s.p);printf("\n%s\t%d\t%d\t%f",s.n,s.r,s.a,s.p);}fclose(fp);}

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32 Degrees Fahrenheit At Which Water Freezes

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32 Degrees Fahrenheit is Freezing Point (of Water)