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Yep. Yellow and blue makes green (there's some yellow in feces from bile). Happens every time I drink an Ocean Water from Sonic.

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16y ago

The coloring in blue and purple drinks will have that affect on feces.

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It turned mine green.

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Tiffany Schmitt

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3y ago
great answer thxxx!

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Q: Would drinking a blue drinks make feces green?
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What makes human feces green?

Green stools are generally caused by eating dark-colored foods and especially drinks. So if you enjoy drinking purple and blue drinks, your feces may be green instead of the usual brown color. The reason it becomes green is because bile is yellow, and yellow and blue make green.

Will drinking a lot of green tea make your feces green?

uuhhh NO it does not have near enough pigment to change your feces

Why is your feces green after drinking red wine?

The red food coloring in (mostly cheap) red wine combined with the normal brown color of feces = green!

Your poop is green how do you fix it?

You have probably eaten or drunk a great deal of purple colored foods or drinks. Many purple drinks use dyes that cause the feces to turn green when processed by the human body.

How do you say green drinks in the Spanish language?

"Green drinks" would be bebidas verdes.

Can eating green beans make your feces green?

You would be eating waaaay to much for that to happen.

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What would cause a calf to have green feces?

Green grass. And that's nothing to worry about, because it's completely normal.

What was the green beverage Bruce Wayne was drinking in batman begins?

The green beverage that Bruce Wayne was drinking in "Batman Begins" is called absinthe. Absinthe is a high-alcohol content spirit that is known for its green color and licorice-like flavor.

Why is drinking good for you?

Drinking water is necessary to live. Drinking green tea, fruit drinks, and milk is healthy. Drinking coffee and soda pop is not necessary, but, it probably will not hurt, as long as they are drunk in moderation. Drinking a little bit of alcoholic beverages will probably do not harm, and might be healthy for the average adult person.

Why are fizzy drinks NOT recommended for an athletes hydration?

when you get your energy crash after drinking soda your maximum energy decreases by 50% at least. also, it makes your piss green

Why does your one year old dog have green feces?

The color of feces is caused by something he is eating.