Does red bull clear thc out of your system
Niacin is a large part in cleansing your system of THC. THC stores into the fatty tissues of your body therefor, doesn't come out like alcohol (by peeing). Red-bull, most multi-vitamin suplements, and cranberry juice. (: best of luck.
No it can't cuzz THC stay in you fat. If wanna get THC out just work out alot and drink fish oil 2000mg every 12 hour for at least 3-5 day
No. Only time will remove THC from your system.
red bull affects your heart rate by attacking the nervous system
You drink water to flush the system. Red Bull wil polute the system if anything.
The motto of Red Bull GmbH is 'No Red Bull. No Wings.'.
Red rag to a bull is a myth, as the bull is colour-blind to red. It is the the waving cape that causes the bull to charge.
There is a red bull factory in Germany.
The pH of Red Bull is 3.3.
You can view the Red Bull Logo on the website - Energy drink (dot) Red Bull. At Wikipedia - Red Bull you can see the famous Red Bull Logo with two bulls butting heads also.