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Yes, caffeine is a natural diuretic.

Consider the following:

Take a cup of water, and add red food coloring too it. The cup of water will now appear red. Next, pour half of that water into another glass, then fill the rest up with water. The liquid will turn a slight pinkish color. Keep doing the same steps, and eventually you'll have pure water. This is the same as with drug metabolites and water ratio. The kidneys (or whatever body part) that emits toxins into your urine, do so at a steady rate - all depending on your current level of metabolism.

While it is very unhealthy, yes, it is possible to beat a drug test while taking a diuretic and drinking mass amounts of liquid. With the above example for food coloring, imagine you're testing how much food coloring is in the glass of water, although any result below 100ng/ml will result in no food coloring in the water. (Similar to the cut off of a drug test vs. drug metabolites, for THC the cut off is 50ng/ml) after consuming enough water, your drug metabolite concentration will be much lower than required to trigger a positive result. The use of a diuretic in addition to drinking abnormal amounts of water, will result in urinating more frequently, in addition to the diuretic's effect.

Also, be aware that abstinence is the only way to 100% pass a drug test without diluting your urine. This advice should NOT be followed if you are aware weeks/months ahead of your drug test, or if you're subject to random testing, due to whatever reason. Also, the minimal amount of time required by popular consensus is roughly 24-48 hours of abstinence from drugs of abuse. This does not mean you should wait 24-48 hours before your drug test to put it down.

If you feel that you have difficulty abstaining from such substances, it is strongly encouraged that you seek medical attention and help yourself before the inevitable happens from such use (which ranges from death, jail, or insanity).

If you are a hardcore drug user and are currently suffering withdrawals from a substance, immediately go to your local hospital and admit yourself into the E.R. Tell them exactly what you're going through, what you've been using and when the last time you used was. If, at their descretion, they deem you as actually wanting to change your life around, they will do the work for you of admitting you into an inpatient rehab facility. Doing this, can override the 'wait-list' for such places, due to the fact that most people in rehab facilities aren't there for serious business. If you can prove yourself as wanting to seriously recover from a hardcore drug addiction, they can bypass this waiting list and put you on the top of the list - depending on your location and how many facilities are around. Most of the time, admitting yourself into an E.R. and being honest and admitting you want/need help will do the job for you. Just don't attempt to con them out of narcotics; they're not idiots.

This information is intended for the average marijuana user that smokes infrequently and has an unexpected drug test coming up. If you are anything else, and have at ANY TIME believed yourself to have a problem, it is strongly encouraged that you seek attention.

There are Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous groups everywhere. Seek them out. You'll be surprised how much you all have in common.

I really hope this information helps somebody out there. If so, then I did my job posting this.

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No it only makes you have thinking issues and causes your brain to have misshaps

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