There are both versions of root beer - with or without alcohol. The production processes would be different. Non-alcohol root beer soda would be made like other sodas with sweeteners, colors, flavors and added carbonation. Root Beer that contains alcohol would actually undergo some degree of fermentation.
Since root beer is a soft drink there is no alcohol in it.
your mom and my grandma. get the difference ;)
It is Root beer......
i think its because its fermented just like beer is but root beer doesn't have alcohol It originated from the chikoree root and was stored in barrels the same way beer was stored it did ferment a little for the sugar to settle but would sour quickly if untouched and back then it wasnt carbonated like it is today.
No, there is no alcohol in a root beer float.
Root Beer was originally an alcoholic beverage with about the same alcohol content as beer.
No, despite the name root beer does not have any alcoholic beverages in it.
because kids drink it!
It is called Ginger Beer cause it is similar to the name A&W Root Beer and that contains no alcohol as well. Since it contains no alcohol it would taste better.
No, in short it is a soda just like root beer.
Carbonic acid gives root beer its fizz, so root beer is acidic. - - - - - Root beer, because it contains phosphoric acid, has a pH of 4. Any liquid whose pH is below 7 is an acid.
well she does drink root beer and a little beer in some parties like her birthday.