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i do believe that orange pop has the most fizz.

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15y ago
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11y ago

That all depends on the brand. Certain brands will have more carbonation which creates more fizz.

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13y ago

Your mom has more fizz than rootbeer and Sprite combined.

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Q: Why does root beer have more fizz?
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Does Root Beer have more acid then any other?

Carbonic acid gives root beer its fizz, so root beer is acidic. - - - - - Root beer, because it contains phosphoric acid, has a pH of 4. Any liquid whose pH is below 7 is an acid.

Which soft drink contains most fizz cola or non cola?

diet root beer

When you pour soda out of a newly opened bottle which prouces more fizz regular or diet soda?

regular soda because it has more sugar but diet does have a fizzier taste while regular soda has a less fizzier taste. i hope i anwsered your question

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What is the square root of root beer?

Sorry to be the one to inform you, but the roots of Beer plants have more of a roundish shape. Therefore it would be impossible to find a square root in Root beer. Hope My answer was helpful.

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dr pepper or root beer

How long can cans of root beer be kept before they aren't drinkable?

If the cap is sealed it will keep for years. Once the cap is removed it will keep it's fizz for about a week.

How much sodium is in fountain root beer?

There are many different amounts, but normally more than 20% sodium is in fountain root beer.

Is root beer more or less dense than water?

Root beer is typically more dense than water because it contains dissolved sugars, flavorings and carbon dioxide. This higher density causes objects to float higher in root beer compared to water.

What color is root beer smooth Is it darker than root beer?

Root beer smooth is likely to be the "top of the barrel" of root beers. Therefore it is lighter than root beer regular.

Is there prune juice in Root Beer?

It depends what root beer you drink to be honest.

Is root beer brown?

Yes root beer is brown