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The Bitter taste is frozen, which releases the good taste, altho room temp water is VERY HEALTHY for you.

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11y ago

warm water had minerals that change in flavor from the cold water It is a different taste.

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Q: Why does cold water taste better?
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What does boiled water taste like?

It actually appears to taste better than cold water straight from the tap... Boiling drives off most chemical additives such as chlorine or fluoride. Pure water has no taste or smell.

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It tastes better in a cold temperature.

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No rockstar does not but it taste better cold.

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it makes it taste better and it is cold

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Carbonation does not alter temperature. In fact, carbonated soft drinks are normally refrigerated. They taste much better when they are cold.

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Because usually your nose is stuffed up, and smells help you taste better :)

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Powdered juice dissolves faster in hot water, but tastes better in cold water.

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Does water taste better after using water filter systems?

Using a water filter system really does change the taste of tap water. That funny taste is the iron in the water. Using a water filter will remove that funny taste and actually make your water safer.

Is cold water a better conductor than hot?

No, hot water is a better conductor of electricity than cold water. This is because warmer water molecules have more kinetic energy, allowing for better electron movement and increased conductivity.

Is it weird to think that cold food taste better than hot food?

No its not. If you like cold food better than hot food that's fine. Its your opinion. :)