I was searching for an answer myself and stumbled upon your question which was the same as mine. I assume that the carbon in the cigarette ash reacts with the CO2 dissolved in the beer. I do not know what chemical reaction is going on here if that is the case, hopefully someone will answer all of this with certainty for us both.
search for 'mythbusters coke and mentos' on Google. they have videos and stuff.
What is the acid that makes Coke and Pepsi fizz?
no pepsi has more fizz
In a bottle because the coke in the bottle,the gas carbon dioxide to make it fizz.
which soda can produces more fizz coca-cola or diet coke
No. The fizz is determined by the carbonation.
Pepsi is the one that has the most fizz.
It does not but it does fizz!
It depends on your definition of how you measure fizz. If you are going to measure it in volume, then allow the fizz to drop into a beaker and measure it's volume, and if you want to measure it in distance (i.e. how many mm or cm it went up from the top of the pop level, then that's a differnet story.
the drink that contains the most fizz is sprite