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Because Pepsi and coke are owned by two different companies so if a place has Coke it most likely will not have Pepsi because they are with the coke company.

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Q: Why do restaurants only carry either Pepsi or Coca Cola and never both?
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Why do restaurants only carry either Pepsi or Coca-Cola and never both?

Because Pepsi and Coca-Cola are rival and different brands, and restaurants sign binding contracts in which they must only have business with one but not both for a certain amount of years.

What year did Pepsi kona failed?

Pepsi Kona never failed cause it never really started. It was only released for testing and didnt get a good response.

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for the people of las angles,my dear los anglenoes dont by pepsi, you never know if there is newspaper in it. for the people of las angles,my dear los anglenoes dont by pepsi, you never know if there is newspaper in it.

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Did the Pepsi commerical accident affect Michael Jackson's addiction?

To the furthest extent of my knowledge Michael Jackson did not like ether Coke or Pepsi Because he was a Jehovah's Witness (his religion) and therefor could not consume ether to be able to show preference to either of them. He did do Pepsi commercials yet he is never seen drinking the "pop".

What is the difference between Coke and Pepsi?

Alot is different coke is nice pepsi is evil and pepsi is a trick you think oh it will taste sweet and bitter like coke but no it turns so sweet and evil never trust pepsi no matter what it will always explode unlike pepsi, coke is super truthful and never explodes!!!!!!! Thank you if you work for coke or pepsi sorry but this is the flat out truth!!!!

Did Coca-Cola ever distribute Pepsi?

No Coke never distributed Pepsi they are two different company and vying for the lead in the soft drink industry.

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Almost never.

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What is sold more coke or Pepsi?

The fact is the answer depends on what you mean by Coke or Pepsi...the company or the drink. If you mean the cola drink, then Coke is. Pepsi has never out-sold Coke in the 108 years of competition between the two. If you mean the company, then Pepsi has somewhat recently passed Coke, selling more water and other drinks (including Pepsi cola) combined. This, according to Fortune.

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There is no "car" that carries 100 people. I've never seen a bus that big, either.

Why Are Restaurants So Dangerous?

If you are afraid of restaurants you have restaphobical disease. If you have never heard of this then research it or go see a doctor immeadiatly!