you should drink smoothies because they are heathly, not to much sweetness, good snack for running, it has alote of protine, it is easy to make, and it deos not have alote of carbs, and calories.
People drink smoothies because there thirsty?
Yes, they had smoothies but not like ours. They had alot of fruit and they mashed it up which relates to smoothies.
lemon smoothies
The green smoothies diet involves introducing a lot of vegetables into your system through drinking them as smoothies or shakes. Some people complain that the smoothies don't taste that good, so you might have trouble sticking to this diet.
about 50% do
truck driver
You do not have to. But if you would like to, then you may do it.
What type of smoothies?
Liquified Foods (V8, smoothies, soup,) There have been many accounts of people blended McDonalds and then drinking it.
They LOVE smoothies, like me ! =0