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Andria (Dre) "Dreamz" Herd.

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Q: Who won 2nd place on Survivor Fiji?
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Who won second place survivor Tocantins?

Stephen Fishbach

Who was the first player to receive all the votes and win the title of Sole Survivor?

Earl Cole from Survivor Fiji was the first Survivor to earn a unanimous vote from the jury making him the sole survivor of season 14. James "J.T." Thomas Jr. also won in a unanimous vote from the Tocantins jury.

Who won second place on Survivor Micronesia fans vs favorites?

Amanda Kimmel

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Cirie Fields

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Survivor: One World was won by Kim Spradlin.

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Survivor: The Australian Outback, was won by Tina Wesson.

Which fish won first place prize on a tv reality show?

The Sole Survivor.

How many times has Fiji won the sevens world cup?

Fiji has never won the sevens world cup.

How many medals has Fiji won in the 2008 Olympics?

As of August 18, Fiji has not won a medal in the 2008 Olympics.

Does Fiji do the Olympics?

Yes Fiji has participated. They have not won any medals though. ;)

Has Amanda Kimmel ever won survivor?

No, she has never won.

Who were the winners of Survivor?

In order of their seasons, the winners of Survivor are: Survivor: Borneo - Richard Hatch Survivor: Outback - Tina Wesson Survivor: Africa - Ethan Zohn Survivor: Marquesas - Vecepia Towery Survivor: Thailand - Brian Heidik Survivor: Amazon - Jenna Morasca Survivor: Pearl Islands - Sandra Diaz-Twine Survivor: All-Stars - Amber Brkich Survivor: Vanuatu - Chris Daugherty Survivor: Palau - Tom Westman Survivor: Guatemala - Danni Boatwright Survivor: Exile Island (Panama) - Aras Baskauskas Survivor: Cook Islands - Yul Kwon Survivor: Fiji - Earl Cole Survivor: China - Todd Herzog Survivor: Micronesia (Fans vs. Favorites) - Parvati Shallow Survivor: Gabon - Robert (Bob) Crowley Survivor: Tocantins - J.T. Thomas, Jr. Survivor: Samoa - Natalie White Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains - Sandra Diaz-Twine Survivor: Nicaragua - Jud "Fabio" Birza Survivor: Redemption Island - Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano Survivor: South Pacific - Sophie Clarke Survivor: One World - Kim Spradlin Survivor: Phillippines - Denise Stapley Survivor: Caramoan - John Cochran Survivor: Blood vs. Water - Tyson Apostol Survivor: Cagayan - Tony Vlachos