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Q: Who is the source of JR Ewing's money?
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When was Jamie Ewings born?

Jamie Ewings was born on 1984-08-04.

How tall is Andy Ewings?

Andy Ewings is 6' 1 1/2".

When was Andy Ewings born?

Andy Ewings was born on August 8, 1967, in Emsworth, Hampshire, England, UK.

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The Ewings in Dallas.

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Deborah Lee Ewings

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Dallas - 1978 Those Darned Ewings 14-18 was released on: USA: 5 April 1991

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Pam Ewings boss

Which is radiosensitive tumor?

Lymphoma multiple myeloma seminoma wilms ewings medulloblastoma

What is ella ewings favorite color?

I like pink it's really pretty-elle