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Q: Who did the English react to the Boston tea party?
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Why did the Edenton Tea Party take place?

It happened because the Boston tea party triggered the women to react to it.

How did many colonists react to the Boston tea party?

sorry i dont no

What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........

What type of tea did the colonists throw overboard at the Boston tea party?


Who were important people during the Boston Tea Party?

The English

What was England doing to the colonist and how did they react?

They were taxing them, and so that led to the Boston tea party

What month was the Boston Tea Party?

The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, 1773. Over 300 chests of English tea were tossed into Boston Harbor in protest by the Sons of Liberty.

How did the Boston Tea Party speed up the Declaration of Independence from Britain?

It resulted in the of the Intolerable Acts.

How did great Britain react to the Boston tea party?

They made the American colonists pay for the tea. They then passed the "Intolerable Acts"

What were the cause and the effect of the Boston Tea Party?

Boston tea party was when Americans dressed up as Indians during the revolution and snuck aboard an English trade ship carrying tea. They dumped the tea into the Boston harbor, to oppose the tea act, which raised tax on tea from England As punishment, the English blocked their harbor stopping trade and hurting the Boston economy

What were the causes and effects of the Boston tea Party?

Boston tea party was when Americans dressed up as Indians during the revolution and snuck aboard an English trade ship carrying tea. They dumped the tea into the Boston harbor, to oppose the tea act, which raised tax on tea from England As punishment, the English blocked their harbor stopping trade and hurting the Boston economy

What did the navigation acts do?

punished Boston for the tea party